M’sia at a crossroad: Immoral Soi Lek slammed over Namewee

Chua Soi Lek
As for Chua Soi lek, it shows him to be the coward and hypocrite that he is. He dare not stand up for Namewee or insist on action to be taken against the racist headmistresses. He doesn’t dare speak up against the Umno warlords or antagonize Muhyiddin and Mahathir. 

By Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

The writing is on the wall for MCA president Chua Soi Lek and if party members are smart, they will call another of their famous EGMs and throw him out before he does more damage to their party and the Chinese community, pundits said.

Soi Lek drew unprecedented anger from the community when on Sunday he made another major gaffe by calling popular rapper Namewee vulgar and irresponsible. The torrent of rage that flooded back would have necessitated an immediate apology in many democracies but in Malaysia, where MCA has to toe the political line set by coalition boss Umno, Soi Lek is expected to get off the hook.

DPM Muhyiddin Yassin

In fact many believe he was “under orders” to help Umno – especially the hawks led by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and former premier Mahathir Mohamad – rally Malay support against the political opposition, in particular the Islamic-based PAS.

But in their haste to chase for fading Malay popularity, the group has also stomped on Prime Minister Najib Razak’s multiracial 1Malaysia plan, underscoring the crossroad that the nation has reached and the crucial direction it must now select.

“After 53 years of independence (from British rule) and nation-building, we still have people who propagate racism. It shows there is still fertile ground in Umno where racism is flourishing,” PKR vice president Lee Boon Chye told Malaysia Chronicle.

PKR vice president Lee Boon Chye

“If Umno continues to rule Malaysia, this is the path of destruction that the nation will be pushed into. Malaysians must make a stand – is this the sort of leadership they want? Is a closed-door racist Malaysia the sort of country they want to live in because this is what will happen? Malaysia will be shunned by the world as an apartheid nation if it doesn’t come to its senses and stop the rot.”

A coward and a hypocrite

Namewee, whose full name is Wee Meng Chee, had lambasted a school principal Siti Inshah for hurling racist remarks at her non-Malay pupils. She told the Chinese students to return to China and likened the Indian ones to dogs. Siti Inshah was not the only one, her colleague in Kedah also made similar racist remarks a few days after her.

However, Namewee’s tape which contained the foul language of his generation of rap musicians drew the attention of a ‘hungry’ Umno leadership. With the help of their media, Namewee’s tape was sensationalized and he was hauled up by the police and had his statement recorded on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Umno has been careful not to act against the two school principals, both of whom are Malay. The predominantly Malay teaching community is one of the party’s traditional electorate and Umno leaders do not want to offend it.

Read more at: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/2010/09/msia-at-crossroad-immoral-soi-lek.html
