Taib’s ‘family’ punishes editors over article


By Joseph Tawie

(FMT) KUCHING: Two senior editors of a newspaper here have been sacked and suspended respectively for allowing a “negative” article on Chief Minister Taib Mahmud to be published.

New Sarawak Tribune editorial adviser, James Ritchie, has been removed and replaced by Taib’s former press secretary, Effendi Ariffin, while the newspaper’s executive editor, Paul Si, has been suspended.

The paper which recently changed its name from The Eastern Sun to the New Sarawak Tribune is owned by one of Taib’s daughters.

The offending Bernama article appeared on Aug 30, on the front page of the paper under the headline “Is Taib testing the waters?”

It is understood that the objectionable part of the article was a comment made by Jeniri Amir, a political analyst at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas).

Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/fmt-english/politics/sabah-and-sarawak/9860-taibs-family-punishes-editors-over-article
