PAS Youth: Namewee was provoked

By HarakahDaily

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2: The PAS Youth wing slightly differed in its response to the controversy surrounding a YouTube video clip posted by young songwriter Wee Meng Chee, better known as Namewee.

Its chief Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi described Namewee as a victim of racial provocation although he may have gone overboard with his racist remarks.

“Namewee is against racism and has become a victim of racial provocation in the country.

“But he went to the extreme to voice out his restless mind,” twitted Nasrudin in response to the latest controversy surrounding a video clip on YouTube which attracted condemnations over its racist tone.

Namewee’s video was apparently a response to the lack of action by the government over school principal Siti Inshah Mansor’s racist jibe which had likened Chinese to migrants who should “return to China” and the Indian prayer beads to “dog leashes”.

In his short clip, Wee delivered a rap version of his dissatisfaction, complete with vulgarities and obscenities slamming the principal.

The YouTube clip was taken off following an outcry from UMNO and other Barisan Nasional leaders who called for the young artist’s arrest for sedition. The call also received backing from MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek, who told Namewee to “face the music” for offending other races.

