Celebrate Malaysia Day, the right way …

On the 31st of August this year, it was a day of true shame, people got slashed, and were racially insulted on our Independence Day, and more importantly apart from government buildings, no one raised our flag. It hit me more than others, as two of those people who were hurt were my friends. It was not the beating that they received that hurt more, it was the words thrown to them …. Balik negara kamu …. 

By Faizal Azlan

I am not trying to be a hero here, I am just sick of the postings of hate that is going back and fourth, and the fact we tend to sit quiet and do nothing while the country is being torn to pieces.

On the 31st of August this year, it was a day of true shame, people got slashed, and were racially insulted on our Independence Day, and more importantly apart from government buildings, no one raised our flag. It hit me more than others, as two of those people who were hurt were my friends. It was not the beating that they received that hurt more, it was the words thrown to them …. Balik negara kamu ….

The first segment may sound unfamiliar because it is less practiced, but is part of the whole rukun negara. Note the words “cita-cita tersebut” which was referring to the top segment of the rukun negara.

BAHAWASANYA NEGARA KITA MALAYSIA mendukung cita-cita hendak:
mencapai PERPADUAN yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya;
memelihara satu cara HIDUP DEMOKRATIK;
mencipta satu MASYARAKAT ADIL di mana kemakmuran Negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama;
menjamin satu cara LIBERAL terhadap TRADISI-TRADISI KEBUDAYAANNYA yang kaya dan berbagai corak;
dan membina satu MASYARAKAT PROGRESIF yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden.

MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:


How far have we gone off track? When did you read that? If we ourselves do not hold to that as true and just, then Merdeka has no meaning and the Constitution has no meaning. If the government and the opposition can’t hold that which they swore to protect because of fear of losing the support of the Malay grassroots, then they are no longer legitimate as they have broken the promise made during Merdeka. If you believe in that written above, you are empowered by this nation to stay here. And those who challenge that are by default challenging the rukun negara.

Let’s not fall to their level and raise above them by showing they can hit us, bully us, insult us, but this is OUR COUNTRY and if they don’t like it, find an island, a boat and make yourself a country.

Don’t give up on Malaysia. Giving up or dividing ourselves on the grounds of race will destroy everything your forefathers did. And more importantly, you let people like Perkasa win. Every nation in the world has its ultras, some stronger than others. Its just a fact that we can’t eradicate stupidity but stupidity only becomes out of control when we “layan” them.  I have been racially insulted before when I was studying abroad, “GO HOME YOU F*****G ASIAN…”. Then, I did not take a stand as I wanted to go back to my country so I answered, “In 5 months, bitch, and then ran for my life”. But this is my country, and hitting another is hitting me as well.

16th September is Malaysia Day. It was the true date that the country called Malaysia was formed with the inclusion of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore. It was the day we were called this land Malaysia under one King, one constitution, one one name to call us all Malaysians.

This 16th September, celebrate it by making parties, BBQ, dinners, events, jogs, marathons, anything with your friends, take pictures of it post it up with OUR FLAG! SHOW these idiots that WE HAVE every right to this country as they do. OUR forefathers fought and died for Malaysia. I don’t need a University corrupt drop-out to tell me who belongs here.

Forward it to your friends, but of course, celebrate it, it is Our country, Our flag. No one has more of a right to be here than the other person.

original link http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150254420800597&ref=notif&notif_t=like
