
Please click here to see the FB conversation: http://buddy-on9.blogspot.com/2010/09/katy-lim-li-lian-yang-menghina-allah.html

What gives, Malaysia? It almost seems that some segments of the populace want Malaysia to self-destruct.

By G. Sunil

While I am neither Chinese or Malay, I am Malaysian. And being somewhat impartial here, I’d like to call a Time-Out.

We are descending into unfamiliar ground lately and this Facebook post is but a mere symptom. Personally, I can’t recall a time when Malaysians have ever been this polarized along racial lines.

What bothers me even more is that it has reached an extent where we have even infected our young with venomous racial vitriol.

Please click here to see the FB conversation: http://buddy-on9.blogspot.com/2010/09/katy-lim-li-lian-yang-menghina-allah.html

What gives, Malaysia? It almost seems that some segments of the populace want Malaysia to self-destruct.

I’m not Muslim, but I will stand up for my Muslim brethren on this one.

You may recall that mere cartoons of a Prophet resulted in fatwas calling for the murder of the cartoonists and several actual attempts ;  here we are looking at vulgar desecration of the Prophet’s God.

While many police reports have been lodged, it is a credit to all moderate Malaysian Muslims that no blood has been spilt so far  in relation to the above FB post.

So far.

I appeal for calm and reflection during this period.


