Musa Hassan’s Revolting Interview with Utusan Malaysia

Din Merican

Muslims are now in the last 4 nights of Ramadan. Usually at this time, they are more reflective – muhasabah diri – as they await Lailatul Qadr, the Night of Honour, a night better than a thousand  nights. It is the night when the angels descend on earth on God’s errand taking account of Man’s deeds throughout the last one year; the night when good men would seek atonement for mistakes of the past year.  And it is the night when God would Forgive Man for all his sins and Bless him for the coming year.

With that being the mindset of most practicing Muslims, you would expect the son of an ulamak (actually just a guru mengaji) like Musa Hassan as the retiring  IGP to show humility in his last official interview. You would expect to hear him apologise for any weakness during his tenure heading the Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM). You would expect contrite and reflection. But No! There was none of that. Instead his statements almost made me puke.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has announced that Tan Sri Musa Hassan will retire as the Inspector-General of Police (IGP)

Yes! I almost puked after reading Musa Hassan’s interview with Utusan Malaysia with the caption “Saya rasa puas berkhidmat”. Both Musa Hassan and Utusan Malaysia were spinning yarns of lies of his achievements, as if Malaysians are ignorant idiots of what had happened to the country during his tenure as IGP.

Tunku Abdul Aziz’s article

To awaken both Musa Hassan and Utusan Malaysia from their fantasy, I would invite them to just read Tunku Abdul Aziz’s article “Putting Musa Hassan to Pasture Was An Act of God For Malaysia:  Good Riddance!”  Tunku Abdul Aziz’z article, which I posted on this blog earlier, could not have been more timely. It pre-empted the lies in the Utusan interview as if by  Providence.

Former Vice-Chairman of Transparency International and Former special adviser on ethics to the United Nations secretary-general Tunku Abdul Aziz with Tan Sri Robert Phang and Tun Haniff.

The normally amiable, gentlemanly and kind-worded Tunku Abdul Aziz did not mince his words when he wrote that “ Musa should never have been appointed  the nation’s top dog in the first place” and that “Musa had been denounced as an ‘Unreliable Witness’ by the Court in Sabah”.

Musa’s “sermon” on religion revolting

I was revolted to read of Musa’s “sermon” on religion as the foundation for his policing principles and  beliefs. This was a man who had done the worst disservice to Islam and PDRM. If anyone wanted to learn about Islam or appreciate police work, they would immediately be turned off by him and the things he did.

Musa blamed the alternative media for the negative perception. In a nutshell, none of it was his fault.

Let me just sum up the Utusan interview by saying that Musa blamed everyone else for all the problems that occurred in the country and for the high crime index. He blamed the Immigrations Department and the Customs Department for the crimes by foreigners. He blamed the Malaysian society for the domestic crimes. He blamed the alternative media for the negative perception. In a nutshell, none of it was his fault.

For the breakdown of command in PDRM, he blamed the Ministry of Home Affairs. He took a swipe at the former Deputy Minister, Dato’ Johari Baharom, who discovered his ties with the illegal money lending Ah Long syndicate. He took a swipe at Dato’ Ramli Yusuff for detaining his friend, the criminal Goh Cheng Poh. He also took a swipe at Minister Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin Hussein whom the public knew was against Musa’s attempt to get a third extension. This was what Musa said about Hishammuddin’s decision not to renew his contract: “Siapa nak offer kalau Menteri dah cakap kontrak saya ditamatkan?”

This was what Musa said about Hishammuddin’s decision not to renew his contract: “Siapa nak offer kalau Menteri dah cakap kontrak saya ditamatkan?”

But what I found most revolting was his sense of self grandeur when he said that he was a blessed person because he was born on 2nd Aidiladha and retires in Ramadan – “ Allah berkati saya, saya dilahirkan pada hari yang baik dan dan tamat perkhidmatan pada hari yang baik juga”. Come on Musa! Don’t you know that Malaysians, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, have been cursing you for the high crimes in this country? Don’t you know that they have been cursing ex-PM Abdullah Badawi for having extended your contract for two years in 2007? Malaysians are also cursing Pak Lah for his facade of religiosity whereas they now know that he too, like that “iconic’ bumiputra businessman Tajuddin Ramli, was all long plundering MAS.


