Embarrassed TV3 yanks out controversial Raya advert

By Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno-linked TV3 has cancelled a controversial Hari Raya Aidilfitri advertisement and apologised for “hurting the feelings” of its Muslim viewers. Succumbing to angry outbursts from Muslims over Facebooks, TV3 in its main 8pm news bulletin last night apologised to Muslims nationwide.

The controversial advert which incorporated elements of Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism into the festive commercial came under heavy criticism  from Muslims across the nation, including Pakatan Rakyat.

The critics claimed the advertisement, which displayed a flying trishaw, lotus and lamps, would confuse Muslims and youths.

According to edyesdotcom.blogspot, a study of the advert gave the impression that 1Malaysia concept, propounded by Umno and Apco Worldwide, was now 1Religion.

The writer noted that another blog, aulakalimah, had found mirror reflections of fine jawi inscriptions from the Quran and a minaret of a mosque turned into a crucifix.

The revelation, the writer said, raised several questions as to who created, directed and approved the airing of the advert and if Apco Worldwide was in anyway linked to TV3.

Isareli-linked Apco Worldwide is the controversial image consultants hired by the Barisan Nasional government to rebrand the government and country.

Meanwhile, PAS Youth has submitted a memorandum of protest to TV3 management over the airing of the advertisement.


