No, I do not wish for the MCMC to take action against Malaysia Instinct

I do not want the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to take action against Umno website Malaysia Instinct for what they wrote about me below. In fact, this is not the first such article. These articles are a repeat of what they have been writing about me for some time now. But then I believe in freedom of the press.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

BBC tracked down RPK’s psycho records at a London mental institution

By Satu Hala, Malaysia Instinct

Besides the fact that the HARDtalk producers had realised at a point that Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) did not deserve to be on the programme since he only talks nonsense without proof, there is another reason why he was flung out last minute.

According to the writer’s friend (the same one who disclosed about RPK’s drunken stupor by the drain in London recently…Parvin Santosh…the macha is already upset with the writer for telling the story…..relax la bro)…he also relayed this news.

If you are a follower of, you may have come across my writing previously that RPK was actually an ex-mental patient.

In that article, I did say that we were looking for his psychiatric therapy records…all these while we thought he was getting help locally.

It turns out that BBC is believed to have first discovered those records.

According to Parvin, BBC had managed to track down the baldy’s history of psychiatric treatment during his teenage years to a mental institution in London….(no wonder we couldn’t find it…we were looking at Tanjung Rambutan while he was actually getting help in London!)

But there was not much that Parvin could share in this new finding.

He could only confirm that among the main reasons BBC had declined RPK at the eleventh hour was because they did not want to be labelled as interviewing a LOONEY, after finding his records.

“I never thought that they would investigate that far to check on the credibility of each guest,” Parvin said in his latest e-mail to me recently.



BBC: RPK was admitted for mental illness in Britain

By Terrence Fernandez, Malaysia Instinct

It is a known fact that Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) was once admitted for mental disorder in his youth. This may be hard to believe for those who worship him, but it is indeed a fact.

It is also known that even though RPK’s blood is blue, he wasn’t fed with a silver spoon. He lost his dad at such tender age and since then his life has taken a wrong turn.

His royal relatives took him in but rather than living luxuriously as any royal blood should be, he ended up being the servant or the dog who must listen, obey and serve the masters of the palace. He was tortured, mostly mentally to the extent that his young mind could no longer endure.

In the huge, beautiful palace, RPK was a desperately lonely boy with no one to turn to. Trying to get away from the hell, he tried to escape through the books. Reading, helped takes his mind away from reality. 

Sometimes, he lived in the books that he read, and sometimes he lived in his own imagination, his own stories. He loved being away from reality and became addicted to it.  

He could create a world, a character, a life just by living inside his head. As time passed, RPK began to act strangely and his adopted royal parents were beginning to be afraid of him.  

After an incident that remains a secret, the palace finally concluded that RPK was a very sick boy. 

To avoid scandals, they decided to send him away.  But they could never send him anywhere in Malaysia as words about the sick boy would leak out. 

So, the best thing to do was send the boy to a mental hospital in Britain.

If the worshippers of RPK found this story as rubbish, they should also rethink about all the stories that RPK has written, and tell us the difference. Just like RPK’s pieces, this story too, cannot be proven. But why choose to believe one instead of the other?

Most people in Malaysia know very well about RPK’s mental illness in his childhood but none are able to confirm it as the record is not available anywhere. Of course it’s not, because it wasn’t recorded in Malaysia.

RPK’s mental health record is one of the many reasons why RPK was dropped off from BBC HARDtalk last week. 

BBC had done a thorough check on RPK when he was recommended to them by a connection of a Malaysian’s opposition’s leader. BBC found that most of RPK’s articles or stories in the Malaysia Today blog are just fictions.  None of the stories checked out. RPK’s stories carried no credibility, no value, no fact and mostly totally nonsense.

Some facts in his articles were found to be contradicted with each other. Some were simply downright lies.

BBC was amazed at how some Malaysians are so stupid to believe in this guy.  They became eager to know more and dug some more information on RPK’s background. 

That was when the mental record of RPK in London came out.

