PM: Don’t question social contract

(Bernama) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak reminded the people today against questioning provisions in the constitution, particularly those related to the social contract, saying they had been agreed upon by the nation’s forefathers.

“We should uphold what has been agreed upon by our forefathers, by the past generations, which have enabled us to reach where we are today,” he said at the Prime Minister’s Department’s monthly gathering, here on Monday, Sept 6.

He said that to safeguard race relations, the society should be mindful of one another’s sensitivities and refrain from engaging in acts that could hurt the feelings of other communities.

“If we can refrain from doing these two things, we can cool off a lot of heat and I believe it can contribute towards strengthening the country’s national unity and political stability,” he said.

Najib said both aspects were also important in managing the country’s politics and racial relations.

“We have been saying that the country’s pillar of stability is national unity; if we don’t manage race relations properly, it can affect the country’s stability,” he said.

He also called on civil servants to fully understand and internalise the 1Malaysia concept and set examples for others to emulate.

“Please remember that it is our responsibility to care for the country for our future generations. Let us not damage what is already in good condition,” he said.

He also wished the staff of the department a Happy Aidilfitri.

