Will “Not Being Able To Speak BM” Becomes Seditious Or A Crime Next?

They will question her why as a Malaysian she is not able to speak BM. Is she a citizen of Malaysia or is she an illegal immigrant? They will give her a hard time checking through her background. They may even charged her for provocation against the police inspector.

By Malaysia For All

They insist, persist at every opportunity to twist and turn each and every good deeds, be it racial or religious performances by Pakatan Rakyat into chargeable offences.

You have read the past few weeks about how the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng got entangled with the mosque sermon issue, where certain groups were trying to pin the CM involvement, the Komtar traders creating ruckus out of their own wrong doing and doctored photos of the CM slaughtering cow. They have to bring down the CM before the 13th GE.

Teo Nie Ching’s surau visit by invitation to bring aides from the Selangor Government had being turned into a holier than thou episode. Till today they are still finding ways on how to charge her, with the latest salvo coming from the PM himself insisting that Teo Nie Ching violated fatwa with the surau visit. Yes, the non muslim will always be wronged when it involves the Islamic religion but the PM yet again conveniently forget about the two individuals without permission from church authorities entered a church and received Holy Communion which is most sacred to Catholics and then spat it out.

Fighting for the rights of all races can also be twisted and spin into questioning Article 153 of the Federal Constitution as the case for Lembah Pantai Member of Parliament Nurul Izzah Anwar’s invitation to Perkasa to a Constructive Engagement for a new beginning for Malaysia.

An anti-racist rap video by Namewee had the police and MCMC questioning him for hours in which they have the intention to charge him for sedition but the two school principles who openly make racist remarks were left untouched. Many had viewed the video and found nothing racist or seditious but with some vulgarity mix in the rap.

Khairy, the umno youth leader is hell bend that it is very racist by his own interpretation of the phrase “You tak baca? Siapa buat Malaysia kaya?” Now what can we do or say, they are the leaders of the country and the fear of losing power makes their mind go bonker and they can just charged you for what you are doing right to correct their wrong doing.

What do we expect to hear from Perkasa, malay NGOs, Khairy or the PM of another racist case from a police inspector who allegedly told a 51-year-old snatch theft victim to “balik China” (return to China) if she could not speak Bahasa Malaysia.

Read more at: http://ousel.blogspot.com/2010/09/will-not-being-able-to-speak-bm-becomes.html
