PKR – Self-Destructive Mode?

In fact, it is evident that PKR is a new political party but one that is practising dirty old tricks in politics.

Who does not know that putting old wine in new bottles gives it a bitter taste?

And that is exactly what we see before our eyes – bitterness in the in-fighting, in the way some have no qualms about tearing each other apart with sharpened talons like vultures who have not had their prey for some time.

For sure, the Azmin-Zaid battle for PKR’s deputy presidency in the November party polls must have left many of us in a head-shaking stance. At a time when the onslaught from the other side is intensifying from almost all sides, instead of taking steps to reinforce themselves from within, PKR is in a self-mutilation mode with complete disregard of their mission to Putrajaya – what seems to matter is their PERSONAL agenda.

Do all these incidents make you wonder if PKR and UMNO share too many similarities?

What do we see today? More and more seeds of discord and disunity are being sown as some scramble to make it to the top hierarchy of leadership.

Last month, Zaid Ibrahim had told PKR not to mimic UMNO at this link where he lambasted PKR for creating a party election code of ethics that were very similar to Umno’s — such as barring candidates from openly criticising other party leaders, banning money politics and even scrutinising Hari Raya open houses. Then, he hoped that PKR would not become a hypocritical party like Umno.

Yesterday, Zaid claimed that his opponents have tried to pay a prominent blogger to attack him by falsely accusing him of vote buying and being in cahoots with Daim Zainuddin to destroy PKR. He also drew parallels between the late Ghafar Baba and himself by declaring that he is willing to risk being “buried” like Ghafar in the 1993 Umno party elections.

Free Malaysia Today reported HERE that Zaid Ibrahim’s lamentation of alleged attacks over his bid for party deputy president may have had an adverse effect on the party image.

It is common knowledge that Zaid has been perceived by some to be a potential threat to the Anwar-Azmin pact.

I never expected PKR elections to become as dirty as what we see before us. It appears that slander and character assassination have now become part and parcel of PKR culture, reminiscent of their past affiliation- most disgraceful indeed.

In fact, it is evident that PKR is a new political party but one that is practising dirty old tricks in politics.

Who does not know that putting old wine in new bottles gives it a bitter taste?

And that is exactly what we see before our eyes – bitterness in the in-fighting, in the way some have no qualms about tearing each other apart with sharpened talons like vultures who have not had their prey for some time.

Before you think I have lost my marbles, take a look at this letter which an anonymous reader sent to me. FYI, I really hit the roof when I read it!!!

To: Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim,
Markas Kempen P094, Hulu Selangor

From: Mohamed Azmin Ali

Subject: Isu Yang Boleh di bangkitkan oleh BN terhadap Zaid Ibrahim

Date: 5 April 2010

Tinjauan kami mendapati bahawa BN/UMNO akan bangkitkan isu berikut berkenaan Dato Zaid Ibrahim sebagai calon di P094 Hulu Selangor.


A. Isu moral – Zaid dikenali sebagai kaki minum dan juga gemar berjudi di kasino.

B. Zaid tiada asas agama, malahan dia pernah saman Pas berkenaan hukum hudud

C. Pernah membohongi orang sewaktu menjadi MP Kota Bharu.

D. Tidak jujur dan amanah – Zaid terlibat isu merampas harta UMNO di Kota Bharu

E. Orang Umno pernah mengadu Zaid banyak tipu muslihat – dia juga pandai menyeleweng isu

F. Pendendam – Zaid lama dikenali sebagai seorang yang sanggup berpatah arang dan berkerat rotan bila memusuhi sesiapa pun.

G. Zaid juga ‘maverick’ dalam Umno, dia tidak taat kepada ketua, suka bertindak sendiri dan membelakangi organisasi

