Confirmed UMNO Police Force

ALWAYS put the country’s needs first, NOT your own pockets!

By Dr Tan Kee Kwong

Dear Najib & your UMNO cronies,
Don’t you have a conscience at all? You say “Rakyat Diutamakan” but the reality is that you are fast destroying this country.
Recently I met a man from the UK. He is 60 years old and has been doing business in this country for 30 years. He said, “It is so sad to see what has happened to your country.” So I asked him what he meant. He told me, 30 years ago our top civil servants were very good; now they are rubbish. He then went on to say, 30 years ago compared to our neighbours like South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines etc, our country showed so much vigour and promise. It was a shining star and now our country is almost a failed state! So I asked him what he thinks is the reason. He replied UMNO, UMNO and UMNO. So fellow Malaysians, wake up. Get rid of UMNO and PBB very quickly.
IGP speaks up.
Musa Hassan says interference by “third parties” amongst biggest disappointments during his tenure.
Hey brother, you are confirming in public what we knew all along. He went on to say “It is a old problem. I have been very direct about this and if they do not want to listen, then it is up to them.” So the outgoing IGP confirms the Police force is controlled by UMNO all the time.
So much so that certain politicians and their wives can even order the murder of a certain Mongolian woman but the irony of it is, two policemen end up by being charged for the crime.
An equally scandalous situation is in the Sodomy Trial of Anwar Ibrahim. The young man Saiful says in court that he rang up the IGP to seek his advice before making a police report!
What about the death of the alleged car thief Kugan that died in police custody? It seems that he was beaten so badly that his thigh muscles turned as soft as tofu. The stupid and cowardly government pathologists said he died of “heart failure” when his whole body was black and blue!

Long ago when Pak Lah took over from Mahathir, he ordered the setting up of the Royal Commission of Police. We thought then, ah very good the new PM wants to do something. One of the major recommendations of the Royal Commission was the setting up of the IPCMC. It was envisaged that it would be headed by an Ex Judge and a team of five to look into serious complaints of corruption, abuse of power, wrongful detention, brutality etc by the Police. The basic  principle was the Police cannot investigate itself and claim to be impartial.
A few days later the then IGP said in a Press statement, “I have discussed this idea of IPCMC with my senior officers and we do not want an IPCMC”. The cheek of him! Any other PM or government would have demanded his resignation at once. But nothing happened. The reason is so obvious. The police have files on ALL the “dirty” politicains and if they press for the resignation of the IGP, these files will be released to public knowledge.
So we continue to have a terrible situation where the corrupt politicians dare not move against that idiotic IGP who said “We don’t want IPCMC”. The police and the public at large continue to “tolerate” the corrupt UMNO politicians.
Soon after that, the Police organised a dinner and briefing for BN MPs in Bukit Aman. I was also invited but refused to go. The day after the dinner, many mindless UMNO MPs spoke up against the setting up of the IPCMC and so the idea was quickly shelved. Many of us protested but to no avail.

Many of the serving officers try to do their best. But it is a very difficult situation. I am told we have about 95,000 Policemen in the whole country. The present government wants to increase this number to 120,000. However, I am informed that every year about 4,000 officers retire. Just to replace this number is difficult enough, never mind to increase the numbers to 120,000.
The funding of the Police was and is shocking. For eg.:
1. In 1995 when I became an MP, Balai Polis Sentul asked me for a fax machine. Just imagine, a big District like Sentul has no fax machine!
2. In 1988, the Traffic Sargeants manning the Traffic HQ in Jalan Bandar have to buy their own typewriters, tables and chairs.
3. In 1998, after the Asian financial crises, many Police petrol cars could not do their rounds because there was no money to buy petrol!
All this is because of waste and massive corruption. As a nation, we can spend 180 BILLION in the past 10 years on weapons purchase for our Armed Forces. I ask the PM. Pray who is our enemy and are we at or going to war?
1. Form an IPCMC at once.
2. As Musa Hassan says, UMNO back off and let the professionals do their job.
3. Allocate resources properly. Do not continue to “steal” from Petronas, Felda, Sime Darby, EPF etc
Selamat Hari Raya. Please ALWAYS put the country’s needs first, NOT your own pockets!
