Ibrahim Ali spits more insults at Khairy

The Khairy Jamaluddin-Ibrahim Ali spat has devolved to a near-farcical level with the Perkasa president launching a series of biting insults against the Umno Youth chief, calling him “stupid”, “crazy”, “feeble-minded” and a “confused child”.

The outspoken Pasir Mas MP’s latest attack was in response to Khairy’s statement during a recent interview with an online news portal that Perkasa was one of the reasons behind Barisan Nasional’s (BN) dwindling support from the people.

“This is the talk of a stupid, brainless person. He is talking like a crazy person. Perkasa was only formed after the 12th general election.”

“In that election, BN lost badly because people hated Khairy,” he said in a statement sent by text message here last night.

Ibrahim went a step further to accuse Khairy, who is the son-in-law of former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, of being an opportunist.

“He is big-headed because his father-in-law became the prime minister. He entered politics [for] barely two to three years and already he got a spot for himself because of this.

“People hated Pak Lah because Khairy controlled him,” he said, referring to Abdullah’s moniker.

Ibrahim also defended Perkasa’s formation, pointing out that the non-governmental Malay rights group was formed to unite the Malays and not divide support in the BN.

“Khairy’s statement is truly moronic. He is a confused child who has great a great lust for power but has lost his teeth.”

He noted that Khairy’s statement would have made more sense if Perkasa had been formed before the last general election.

“He is truly stupid. Umno is further destroyed because of feeble-minded people like Khairy.

“Also, how smart of him to ask the government to be honest when it comes to giving out contracts… as if during Pak Lah’s time the government was so transparent,” insinuated Ibrahim.


