Number of websites hacked increasing, says MCMC

(Bernama): The number of websites being hacked has increased, said the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

MCMC corporate communications director Zeti Marziana Muhamed said the number of websites hacked this month increased drastically to 262 from 168 last month.

“MCMC would like to urge Malaysian website owners to update and enhance security to secure their website applications and servers. This is to reduce their vulnerability to hackers.

“Website owners must enforce adequate measures to monitor their websites during the Hari Raya holidays when many will be away, leaving websites unattended or monitored for an extended period,” she said in the statement.

Website owners can contact the MCMC at 03-86888303 if they detected any hacking activities on their websites and refer to the MCMC Advisory at for more information.

The MCMC said it would continue to monitor the situation through the MCMC Network Security Center (SNSC) which is a cyber security monitoring centre initiated by the Commission in line with the National Cyber security Policy and the 10th National Policy Objective under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA 1998).

She said the centre would issue early warnings on the dangers and prevention to website owners in the country.

