The Namewee test: Without Perkasa, is Umno any less racist?

By Malaysia Chronicle

Controversial rapper Namewee has taken a swipe at those who accused him of being racist, saying that during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, he had defended his “fellow Malaysian Muslims”.

“I was a student in studying Taiwan when September 11th happened, I remember standing up defending for my fellow Malaysian Muslims there when the whole world thought that all Muslims are terrorists, action speaks louder than words. I wish all my fellow Malaysian Muslims ‘Selamat Hari Raya’,” Namewee said in an Aidilfitri greeting on his Facebook.

Tit for tat

The 27-year old musician-film director found himself in hot soup after releasing a three-minute video clip lambasting two Malay school principals for telling their Chinese pupils to go back to China and likened Indian students to dogs.

Although, Namewee says he had intended to preach non-racism in his clip, he ended being interrogated by Internet regulator MCMC for 7 hours and the police for 3 hours. Three police patrol cars had also swooped down on his home in Muar to pick him up in an apparent bid to embarrass his family.

Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin added to the fire, insisting that Namewee had insinuated the Malays had not contributed to the country’s economic growth with his lyric “You tak baca? Siapa buat Malaysia kaya?” 

As for MCA, its president Chua Soi Lek supported Umno’s call to punish Namewee.





