Listen to your Heart…it will not lie

Any country cannot take the systematic failure of projects after projects after projects and still survive. The country is now burden with massive financial loss because of these systematic failures. There must be a cost to be borne–but the cost is not borne by the Barisan Nasional government because they lack accountability – but by the people.

By steadyaku47

Contemporary history when applied to UMNO would refer more to the development of UMNO since its inception to what it has now become rather then the origins. Its development has been robust for its negativity that will surely hasten its demise in the not to distant future – if not as a political organization, then as the dominant force in national politics. UMNO has distinguished itself by the following characteristics:
Ø   Leaders who lack wisdom when exercising their powers.
Ø   Money Politics, Nepotism and Greed.
Ø   Arrogance.
Ø   Abusing the trust placed upon it by the Malays.
UMNO has assiduously built its own money making machine that spews out wealth to its own not on anything fraudulent but on its responsibility to supposedly manage the national coffers of our country in a responsible and accountable manner.
This responsibility allows UMNO to do deals on the back of a large and stable wealth, capital and project provider – our country, Malaysia. They simply could not fail. Our country can!
With a never ending portfolio of money churning opportunities, projects, tenders and a long list of purchase (defense etc) UMNO eagerly offers these wealth building opportunities to themselves and their cronies – Malays and non Malays. UMNO was never calculative of the potential liabilities to the nation if these projects failed. And failed they did in large numbers costing our country many many billions of ringgits. PKFZ, Bakun, Banks, massive defense contracts, LRT. Those tasked with regulating these matters had their hand in the cookie jars themselves. Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi.
It all worked fine during the good times. But it all became toxic when systematic failures of projects became the norm – and this coupled with the global financial meltdown – brought us to the situation we are now in – reluctantly holding hands with UMNO and staring into the abyss of what the future will bring for our country!
Even a country, any country cannot take the systematic failure of projects after projects after projects and still survive. The country is now burden with massive financial loss because of these systematic failures. There must be a cost to be borne–but the cost is not borne by the Barisan Nasional government because they lack accountability – but by the people.
But even now, instead of taking stock of the way things UMNO is hell bent on continuing with its orgy of seeking wealth by any means available. UMNO now has come up with bigger mega projects  – projects in the billions – to fund its insatiable appetite for wealth. Where prudent financial management is required the opposite was done by UMNO.
Why has matter come to this catastrophic level now? Why has the BN government been allowed to carry on in such a reckless and self-serving way for so long?
It is because those we elected to govern us looked the other way. When they are not looking the other way they are too busy looting the country themselves.
The much-touted Malaysia Incorporated did become a reality – but the beneficiary was not the people of Malaysia but was limited to the preferred few within UMNO and BN and their cronies – Malays and non-Malays.

There is no need for patience and rationality in Malaysia anymore. We must be angry at the way Barisan Nasional continues to govern. But we must also be aware that we might make wrong judgments when we are impatience. Let stand back and take stock.

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