NKRAs yield desired results

(Bernama) – The Government Transformation Programme (GTP), introduced in April last year by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, has achieved significant results through the various initiatives of the National Key Results Areas (NKRAs).

Director of Communications for the GTP at the Perfomance Management and Delivery Unit in the Prime Minister’s Department (Pemandu), Alex Iskandar Liew, said the overall crime index in January to August dropped 16.24% over the same period last year.

Street crimes have also seen a significant decrease to 37% in thesame time period, he said in a statement here today regarding the GTP’s perfomance update recently.

Liew said the positive results were driven by, among others, police omnipresence (2,026 per day), diligence at various crime hotspots, the mobilisation of 372,550 Rakan Cop members, 105,850 voluntary patrol scheme members in addition to the reassignment of 6,791 police personnel to the frontline and 3,814 civilians to police desk jobs.

In education, an additional 54,569 children have benefited from 1,358 pre-school classes and all primary and secondary schools in the country have

been ranked and have submitted their plans to enhance their perfomance under the School Improvement Programme (SIP).

As for rural basic infrastructure, 469km of roads have been completed, 1,664 houses built, 1,886 houses connected with electricity, and 6,576 houses connected with clean and treated water nationwide.

Liew said the government’s effort to reduce hardcore poverty had also shown tremendous results with a total of 23,679 or 47% of 44,643 hardcore poor households had been removed from the category.

Urban public transport also registered positive results where the daily ridership of light rail transit has increased by an additional 2.4 million passenger or 8.4%.

Liew said the government’s effort to fight corruption was also progressing well, with several iniatives already in place.

This includs the Whistleblower Protection Act, the MyProcurement portal and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) “name-and-shame” database published on its website.

To continue the national agenda of transforming Malaysia to achieve Vision 2020, the government would roll out the private sector-led Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) in the fourth quarter of this year, he said

