A critical issue all Malaysians must question

It is deceitful that we invite or allow others into our place of worship with the secret hope that they might convert into our religion.

By Dr. Dzul

In the discussion in my blog on the issue of Non-Muslims in Mosques: the Prophet’s Practice ,(@blog.drdzul.com) someone who identifies him/herself as ’Truth Being Spoken Out’ puts a critical yet pertinent comment that warrants further deliberation. I’m taking liberty to externalise it so that it becomes a national dialogue in the hope of enhancing mutual understanding, respect and trust.

Her comment: ‘Truth Being Spoken Out’ (quoted verbatim)

The overwhelmingly important point is this: it is deceitful that we invite or allow others into our place of worship with the secret hope that they might convert into our religion.

This insincerity is sadly the case with certain political parties that seek to expand their religious agenda, often secara halus (subtly), like PAS.

Another dominant political party has done this in a more forcefully way in places like Sarawak. This is currently being documented.

This attitude we see in ‘Islam PAS’ and ‘Islam UMNO’ goes against genuine multi-culturalism.

All Malaysians must bravely question this crucial issue as they seek political change for a better Malaysia.

 My response:

 I fully understand and in fact concur with the point you raised. Ive reminded my party and party’s leaders that Islamic Advocacy in the realm of Politics should not be premised on an objective of conversion to Islam.

Rather, I’ve time and again stressed that as an Islamist party, PAS’ political advocacy should be premised on winning the hearts and minds of voters, both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, that Islam stands to provide ‘Justice for All’ regardless of religion, race or culture.

It is this aspect of the Justice and Systems of Islam that we should advocate and seek the mandate of the people to get it implemented within the ambit of democratic process. As an Islamist Democrat, I for one, just like others in upholding their respective conviction and ideologies, surely believe in the superiority of my conviction ie Islam. Hence the reason why I intend to advocate it for all. But I could only do it thro’ the mandate of the people and not thro compulsion or any backdoor implementation of Islam.

Read more at: http://blog.drdzul.com/2010/09/13/a-critical-issue-malaysian-must-answer/#more-2411
