Monsters in the Making

“Please do not judge the book by its cover.First of all, do not critise on other english in near future as your’s english in you poor email correction as per below:

By Fed-up Employer

We send our children to school to acquire skills ranging from literacy and numeracy to more job-specific skills. School also socialize our young people into key cultural values such as equality of opportunity, competition and religious morality. There, we hope they can acquire moral responsibilities that people should have towards each other to avoid a tendency for individualism and self-centredness. With the examination system, people are allocated to their most suited jobs so the more talented ones are given the most functionally important jobs for the society.

Where our country is concerned, the deplorable standard of education goes beyond the poor command of language, poor mathematical skills but also the disgusting attitudes of some young people who think the universe revolves around them.

Today, I received the attached letter which is shocking for the following reasons:
1. The applicant did not understand what is the meaning of IM contact and gave her mobile phone number instead!
2. Neither did she read the job description for the position advertised.
3. Her response was rude, arrogant, brainless, clueless and self-righteous and most condescending in that she lectured the prospective employer!!

This is the exchange:

    Hi Ms G****,
    You have not provided your IM contact as explicitly requested for in the job description.

    Dear [employer],
    is that IM contact refers to immediate cnt?? If it so, this is my immediate cnt# 01*-********

    Hi G****,
    No – instant messaging. Did you not read the job description? There is a pre-interview via Skype, MSN, Yahoo or Gtalk as  clearly stated.
    Thanks, [employer]

At this point, the employer must have become irritated and penned:
    Anyhow, there is no need for you to reply. Judging from your (1) Poor english in your email and (2) Cannot be bothered to read the job description, you have been rejected anyway.
Thank you for your interest.

   The reply:
   Dear [employer],
   Please do not judge the book by its cover.First of all, do not critise on other english in near future as your’s english in you poor email correction as per below:
  (1) no need ( actual:not necessary)
  (2) cannot be bothered(no phrases) ( actual:not bothered(past).
Please accurate yourself before giving advice to others.Please learn to be professional.Means when we as in corporate recruitment replyed an email the specification must be in manner notifivation such as below:
On behalf of *****  would like to inform you that the processing period for this position has just ended. Unless ***** has contacted you, it would be advisable to consider your application not shortlisted. Please be assured that your application has been given its due consideration by ****.
Secondly, *****didn’t attach any job description.Please do not blame others if you didn’t do your job properly.
Anyway, Thanks for the previous consideration.Take care.
And in an additional email from G****:
  did you not read the job description?what english is that?

What will happen to Malaysia if there are other applicants such as this who will scare away potential investors/employers from expanding their base in Malaysia?

What happened to humility and manners? Don’t they teach these at school any more?

Think. What will happen to the generation that witnessed the racist attacks by the principals and other incidents? I dread to think of the monsters that could be mutating at this moment!

And who is responsible?
