Omar Ong conspire to drive a wedge between Najib and Tun

This blog exposed Khairy as the main culprit in pitting BN against Perkasa.

Another theory believed it is Dato Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. It is his association with Khairy that fuel him as a suspect. The Malaysian Insider reported him as being in concurrent with Khairy on the Perkasa issue.

There is one conspirator behind this gruesome “massacre of Red Indians” in the hands of cavalry. It is a bigger mystery than the murder of Sosilawati with alleged links to Hindraf, MIC, and Pakatan.

It also involves the systematic marginalisation and impoverishment that will lead to the “mass genocide” of the majority and original inhabitant of this country.

Khairy’s despise for Perkasa is too visible to deny. Effectively he has sabotaged UMNO’s election prospect by distancing UMNO from Perkasa members.

Khairy persuaded UMNO Secretary General Tengku Dato Adnan Mansor to say the words. Then came Dato Nazri Aziz, Dato Khaled Nordin and perhaps Dato Zahid Hamidi. It is followed by MCA, Gerakan and MIC leaders. The Malaysian Insider, and NST (& BH) louden it.

“The cavalry has arrived,” as Khairy twittered.

It is not difficult to understand why they act in such manner. Khairy need something drastic to keep his political career alive.

Debt-laden and uneducated Ku Nan is beholden to his Chinese taukeh and he is a man with a past. Nazri is loyal dog that defends and argue for his master. He may not agree with his master but he valiantly defend the master of the day.

Let’s not bother analysing Dato Khaled Nordin. His mentor, Dato Shahrir Samad is a similar attack dog. He will attack anything that is Dr Mahathir.

Zahid had expressed support for Khairy to be appointed as Minister, not once but twice. But his position on Perkasa is puzzling. Extract from The Malaysian Insiders report reads below:

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi further distanced Umno from Perkasa, pointing out that the group’s struggles were very “ethnocentric” in nature.

“We should reject ethnocentricity in this country. It should not be encouraged.

“I am worried that other groups will start fighting for their own ethnic needs,” he said.

He pointed out that Umno may belong to the Malays and the Bumiputeras but it still fought for the rights of the non-Malays.

But on Astro Awani, he said UMNO should support any group with common interest and agenda. He meants it as Perkasa.

One can argue that Zahid is talking differently to the Malay audience on Astro Awani and multiracial Internet savvy crowd on MI.

It is possible that MI had spinned him in the same manner they spinned Noh Omar and Ahmad Maslan. Both Noh and Ahmad are not against Perkasa amd expressed their support to Perkasa’s Ketua Wira.

Zahid is a convenient spin victim since he could be made as though he is for Khairy. Many believed he is with Khairy by virtue of his open support for Khairy’s Ministership.

The irony is Zahid does not represent someone that is in line with the Malay liberal ideas. Why would he keep a Perkasa Committee member within his fold?

The one person that is a co-conspirator in this attack against Perkasa that is unknown to all is Omar Ong.

He bragged to everyone around town that he has “the ears of the PM”. Now he is driving a wedge between Najib and Tun. The mathematics could be politically fatal for Najib.

Omar Ong is undeniably working on the same agenda as Khairy and his Tingkat boys. He is quite capable of manouvering, conniving, and doing double face but he left it to Khairy.

Contrary to what Najib believe or was made out to believe, Omar remain loyal to the friends he had worked together to publish the magazine Ethos. The Tingkat 4 fame, Dato Zaki Zahid is an invisible partner at Ethos Consulting (Ethos). Why then would the association with Zaki’s former employer, Booze Allen Hamilton with Ethos?

From inside the Pemandu office with Koh Tsu Koon and Idris Jala, Omar works his way to get his policies implemented.

With PM believing his loyalty and ability as technician, he failed to realise that those bloggers critical of Omar Ong are either related or grew together with Omar Ong in the Malaysian student scene in London. Omar Ong have been under their watch longer than PM claimed to known of him.

They could not buy the story of Omar Ong was listening in and reporting back on Khairy and the gang.

Typical of insulated bangsawan, PM may not know of Omar Ong as well he thought he knows. PM seemed too overawed and convinced with this so-called wunderboy that he does not see any truth to the allegations against Omar Ong.

The fact is Omar Ong can be a conniving and arrogant wannabee capable of brushing off those within a stroke. This is his side of the personality Najib and Rosmah will never get to see. For that, anyone that matter will never get to see this side of Omar Ong.

If he is not impress with anyone, his arrogance and insult can bring out disgust in record time for a human. He is beaten only by skunks secreting that foul smelling odor.


