Raja Petra Kamarudin: UMNO’s public enemy No. 1

Raja Petra Kamarudin

New Mandala

The name Raja Petra Kamarudin – popularly known as RPK – is dreaded by the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

His blog, Malaysia Today , Malaysia’s most popular blog (read here), has been a source of embarrassment to the ruling party as RPK reveals, mostly with documented evidence, the litany of abuses that UMNO is involved in.

His biggest scalp thus far has been none other than current Prime Minister, Najib Razak. RPK has made a statutory declaration that Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor (read here), was at the scene of the crime of the murder of Altantunya Sharibu (read the account of the case here). Najib, despite vehemently denying any involvement, has not sued RPK for defamation nor did the police investigate his claims.



RPK is now a fugitive in the United Kingdom after being released from detention under Malaysia’s draconian Internal Securities Act (read here).

He is considered too hot even for the BBC’s hard-hitting socio-political programme, HARDTalk, which cancelled at the last minute, a scheduled interview with him – reportedly under pressure from either the British or Malaysian government (read here and here).

With elections in Malaysia drawing near, RPK remains a threat to UMNO. His latest revelation, shows how Tajuddin Ramli, a Mahathir-Daim crony (read here), plundered nearly RM9 billion through control (purchase, operation and sale) of Malaysian Airlines (read here ).

His website is now believed to be under attack. It has been shut down twice in recent days and now experiences low bandwidth (read here). Many believe that this is the work of the Malaysian government or their agents (read here and here).

RPK has broken more stories (e.g. scandals, controversial UMNO/BN government plans and conspiracy, etc) than any other media organisation.

As long as RPK is free, Malaysians can be assured of continued breaking news of government shenanigans. This should keep UMNO, marginally at least, on its toes.


