Why politics, racism and religion are bad for humankind
Politics, racism and religion are screwing up Malaysia. In fact, they have been screwing up the world since the world began. I doubt I need to write in great length about this issue. Let me instead just produce SOME of the statistics of the death toll. Take note that more people than that have died but then not all are documented. To save the world we may need to shoot all politicians, racists and religionists.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The death toll due to wars and conflicts through the ages
The Second World War: 50 million to 70 million (against a world population of 2 billion)
The First World War: 45 million to 65 million (against a world population of 1.6 billion)
Mongol conquests (1207-1472): 40 million to 60 million (against a world population of 400 million)
Chinese Revolution (756-763): 35 million to 40 million (against a world population of 200 million)
Qing dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty (1616-1632): 25 million (against a world population of 500 million)
Taiping Rebellion of China (1851-1864): 20 million to 30 million (against a world population of 1 billion)
Timur Conquest (1369-1405): 15 million to 20 million (against a world population of 400 million)
Dungan Revolt of China (1862-1877): 10 million (against a world population of 1 billion)
Thirty Years War (Holy Roman Empire; 1618-1648): 10-11 million
Russian Civil War (1917-1921): 9 million (against a world population of 1.6 billion)
Congo wars: 6-8 million
Yellow Turban War of China (184-205): 5-7 million
Napoleonic wars: 5-6 million
Vietnam War: 5 million
Polish-Lithuanian conflict (1655-1660): 3-4 million
French wars on religion (1562-1598): 3-4 million
Korean War: 3 million
Sudanese Civil War: 2 million
Crusades (1059-1291): 2 million
Shaka’s conquest of Africa (1816-1828): 2 million
Spanish Civil War: 400,000
Greek-Turkish War: 250,000
Stalin’s regime of Russia: 20 million
Middle East slave trade: 19 million
European slave trade: 18 million
British occupation of India: 15-17 million
European colonisation of the Americas: 10-20 million
Nazi genocide: 10 million
Ukraine genocide: 10 million
Fall of the Roman Empire: 8 million
‘Killing Fields’ of Cambodia: 3 million
Bangladesh genocide: 3 million
Genocide of Germans after WWII: 3 million
Assyrian genocide: 1.5 million
Armenian genocide: 1 million
Rwanda genocide: 1 million
Greek genocide: 1 million
French occupation of Algeria: 1 million
Angola genocide: 550,000
Massacres in Zunghar Khanate, China: 500,000
Ustashe massacres of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Croats in Croatia: 500,000
Brazilian genocide of the Indians: 500,000
Sudan conflict: 500,000
Russian conquest of the Caucasus: 400,000
Darfur genocide: 400,000
West Papua genocide: 400,000
Abyssinian Conquest: 400,000
French Indochina War: 400,000
Indonesian Communist genocide: 400,000
Somalia genocide: 400,000
East Timor genocide: 300,000
Nanking genocide: 300,000
Idi Amin’s regime: 300,000
Guatemala genocide: 200,000
Iraq genocide: 200,000
Tito’s regime: 200,000
Guatemala conflict: 200,000
Bosnia genocide: 175,000
Hutu genocide in Burundi: 100,000
Masacre of Tamils in Sri Lanka: 100,000
Tutsi genocide in Burundi: 50,000