Do we fear Perkasa?

Who would forget the “shit, shit, shit” Al-Jazeera interview? In full view of international audience, Perkasa’s real ugly, uncouth, unrefined and even uncivilised nature reveal itself. It is comical. And it is tragic. It is tragic because the international community may think – and I am sure they do think – that Malaysians in general are as uncouth as these Perkasa creatures. And that my friends, is a insult to Malaysia and to all Malaysians.

By Art Harun

I refer to a post at Rocky’s Bru titled “The irrational fear of Perkasa”.


What does that name evoke? Fear? Unlikely.

To me and many others, that name is almost comical and tragic at the same time, quite in the same mould as Roberto Benigni’s “Life is beautiful,” only that the later was poignant and sorrowful, rather than tragic.

Perkasa is comical in the way it – through its leader, Dato’ Ibrahim Ali and its various extras whose names I do not even care to remember – went around calling people who do not agree with its views names. YB Khairy Jamaludin knows about this well. Minister Nazri also knows about this very well.

Whenever Perkasa’s views are opposed or critisised, Perkasa has been unable to counter such  oppositions or critics. When Perkasa cannot rebut another’s opinion, what would it do? Yes. It will attack the person who expresses the opinion rather than the opinion itself.

And so, Khairy Jamaludin was a “stupid”, “crazy”, “feeble-minded” and a “confused child”. according to Dato’ Ibrahim Ali. And not to mention, also “mentally ill.”

Just look at one full sentence by Dato’ Ibrahim Ali about YB Khairy:-

“This is the talk of a stupid, brainless person. He is talking like a crazy person.”  (source is here.)

Then, who would forget the “shit, shit, shit” Al-Jazeera interview? In full view of international audience, Perkasa’s real ugly, uncouth, unrefined and even uncivilised nature reveal itself. It is comical.

And it is tragic. It is tragic because the international community may think – and I am sure they do think – that Malaysians in general are as uncouth as these Perkasa creatures. And that my friends, is a insult to Malaysia and to all Malaysians.

It is also an insult to the Prime Minister, because as I am told, the Prime Minister has a voracious appetite for knowledge and is an avid reader. And what an insult would be to the Prime Minister if the international community thinks that Malaysians are generally uncouth because of that Al-Jazeera interview with Dato’ Ibrahim Ali.

Ah, let’s not forget about all the police report.

That Perkasa is only able to shout and scream slogans and misleading statements about rights which do not exist is exemplified by its inability to accept YB Nurul Izaah’s polite, but firm, invitation to debate on the purview of Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.

Perkasa’s response – and no less than Minister Sharizat’s response (I am addressing her as a Minister in a loose sense) – to YB Nurul Izzah’s clear articulation on the subject matter was taken right from the 1st line of the 1st Chapter of Dr Mahathir’s guidelines to a  discourse, namely, twist and hijack the issue.

This they did by saying YB Nurul Izzah had “challenged” article 153. When in fact she did nothing of that sorts.

By twisting – and thereby, hijacking – the real issue, they hoped to make YB Nurul looked bad. To challenge article 153 would make YB Nurul anti-Malay “rights” and therefore anti-Malay. How convenient.

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