DAP says Utusan should explain its mosques hypocrisy

By Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian Insider

The DAP today called on Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia to explain its double standards after pictures emerged of Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians, including non-Muslims, “preaching” in mosques  and suraus in Selangor.

Utusan, please explain because we are confused,” said Selangor DAP secretary Lau Weng San.

Lau, who is Kampung Tunku assemblyman, was referring to a series of pictures posted on Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad’s blog which  showed politicians from Umno and MIC speaking in mosques and suraus. (See here: http://www.khalidsamad.com/2010/09/umno-kura-kura-dan-perahu.html)

He asked why the daily was not kicking up a fuss.

Last month, Utusan Malaysia along with Umno politicians and Malay rights group Perkasa lashed out at Teo Nie Ching for entering the Al-Huda Surau to hand over a donation upon the invitation of its committee.

The Serdang MP was also accused of delivering “tazkirah” or religious sermon and for using the surau for political purpose despite denials from the committee.

But Lau pointed out the pictures on Khalid’s blog also showed Umno leaders speaking in mosques along with Hulu Selangor MP P. Kamalanathan.


