Don’t you dare abandon the BN, Ibans warned

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The Iban community cannot afford to abandon the BN in the coming state election. To do so will mean they will suffer and be left behind, warned state assemblyman Snowdan Lawan.

“We will suffer if we abandon the state Barisan Nasional. This is because the state BN has been in Sarawak for nearly 50 years and has a good track record.

“To me the state BN government is just like a university. It is just like Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard… the older they are the more prestigious and
famous they become.

“The state BN is not only well known, famous and prestigious, it has a good track record in terms of developing the state,” said the Balai Ringgin representative at a dinner organised by the Siol Kandis branch of the Sarawak Dayak National Union on Saturday.  

Lawan urged Ibans not to listen to certain quarters which wanted to introduce new ideas and bring changes to the state.

Snowdan’s remarks were an obvious response to the recent call made by Sarawak PKR chief  Baru Bian for a change in the government in the state.

‘Fatal mistake’

Bian had said that their forefathers had agreed to join Sabah, Singapore and Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia because they had high hopes that Sarawak would one day enjoy  greater economic development, prosperity and security.

“But for 47 years under the BN, their dreams and visions had not been achieved. This was because Sarawak was neglected by the BN.

“We must therefore change the current leadership and replace it with the Pakatan Rakyat government,” said Bian.

