In defense of Lee Kuan Yew: Don’t be ‘Bodoh Sombong’

There is nothing wrong in considering LKY’s remarks with an open mind. Why don’t we learn from Singapore instead?

Dinesweri Puspanadan, Malaysia Chronicle

For days now, the media has been filled with remarks and criticism channeled against Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor of Singapore, for his remarks about Malaysia during his interview with New York Times. Despite the fact that he actually shared many mind-striking thoughts, as usual, some Malaysians still chose to slam LKY and blamed him for ‘trying to disrupt the unity’ in Malaysia.

But let’s call a spade as spade. Malaysia has experienced an 81 percent drop in FDI and is suffering from a disastrous deficit to the extent that subsidies have to be removed. Even neighboring countries which were not in the race before are picking up the momentum and registering higher FDI than us. Foreign investors and economists have warned that Malaysia needs to change its policies and be more flexible in order to improve its economy. Some even hint that Malaysia is going the way of Greece.

The latest QS Asian University Rankings 2010 shows that Malaysia’s premier university was kicked out from the top 200 rankings, signaling a decline in the standards and international standing of Malaysian public universities. It is time to admit this bitter truth that we are not developing talents but making them leave for green pastures both economically and socially. Statistics on brain drain alarms everyone as the number of students leaving this country is beefing up each year.

The phenomenon of racism is rampant. Many do not hesitate to slam the Chinese and Indians by labeling them as ‘Pendatang’ whenever they speak up on the government’s policies and call for equality. They are shut up with rusty and baseless rhetoric, the most popular being Article 153, ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and ‘Special Rights’. To our disappointment, those from the top right down to the bottom of the government who are barking about this are clueless and constitutionally illiterate. Why refuse any transformation? Don’t they know that implementing policies which surpass other ethnic groups are just another form of racial discrimination?

Freedom of speech and basic human rights are surpassed in the name of preserving unity among Malaysians. Where is the rationale if we do not have the right to talk, argue, and justify the issues and if we do so, draconian law like ISA used to ‘mute’ our voices?

Now, turning back to Lee Kuan Yew. With this current situation in Malaysia (and there still many not mentioned yet), do you still believe that he was wrong and his allegations were baseless?

Isn’t it time to admit the truth that we are marginalized according to race and our basic rights are axed? Malaysia may seem to stand proud in the eyes of the world with skyscrapers and other landscapes but only we know the truth that some of these are failed white elephant projects. Beneath this fake pride, hardcore poverty, incompetent graduates, corrupted administration, and politicians with narrowed minds are engulfing this nation and hindering its growth.

There is nothing wrong in considering LKY’s remarks with an open mind. Why don’t we learn from Singapore instead of keep bashing them with baseless allegations? Are we better than Singapore in every aspect? Tepuk dada tanyalah selera.

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