Two events on Sat 2 Oct: Anwar Ibrahim and Tian Chua talk + Fund-raising dinner

Friends of Pakatan Rakyat will be hosting Anwar Ibrahim and Tian Chua at two events in London on Saturday, 2nd October. The first event is a dialogue in the afternoon. The second is a fund-raising dinner to assist Pakatan Rakyat with the costs of running the next elections. Both events are open to the public and all are welcome to attend by registering at

In Conversation with Anwar Ibrahim and Tian Chua

Venue: University College London (UCL), Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, Gower Street WC1E 6BT
Start: 1pm
Nearest Tube stations: Euston Square, Warren Street
Location Map

Neither men are strangers to the perils of political life in Malaysia. Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of Opposition, is in court again to answer to charges of sodomising a political aide. He denies the claims, saying they are part of a government conspiracy to undermine his increasingly strong opposition alliance. When not firefighting to defend against personal attacks, Anwar Ibrahim travels the country to garner support for the Opposition, acting as a unifying figure for Malaysia’s diverse political groups.

Tian Chua is appealing against his conviction and sentence for biting a policeman’s ear in 2007 while resisting arrest in an alleged illegal assembly. He was arrested as he tried to deliver a memorandum to Parliament to protest a Bill to extend the Election Commission members retirement age from 65 to 66. He is currently facilitating French prosecutors in an investigation into a deal between the Malaysian government and a French shipbuilder (DCN) where DCN paid a commission of $150 million (114 million euros) to a company called Perimekar, which is linked to Abdul Razak Baginda, a close associate of Prime Minister Najib Razak.

The sensational headlines in the mainstream media often overshadow the aspirations of Pakatan Rakyat which are left unreported. What does Pakatan Rakyat hope to do for Malaysia ? Where is help needed and how you can assist, are two key questions that will be explored. Do join us for an afternoon to catch up with the two outlaw MPs on a visit to London.

Fundraising Dinner

Venue: Holiday Villa Hotel, 37 Leinster Gardens W2 3AN,

Start: 7.30pm

Nearest Tube stations: Bayswater, Queensway

Location Map

A fund raising dinner is being organised for the evening at The Holiday Villa, Bayswater, from 7.30pm.

Proceeds of the dinner will go towards election campaign initiatives in Malaysia and help fund new candidates in key constituencies in the run up to the next General Election, which some forecast may be as early as March next year.

This dinner will provide an opportunity to meet and engage with the leaders of Malaysia’s opposition coalition who hopefully, with all our combined efforts and support, will go on to form the next Malaysian government.

Minimum donation for dinner tickets – £50.

Student concessions – £20

Our fund-raising target is Ringgit 25,000. We appreciate your generous and ongoing support.

Please book your place by the 30th of September 2010.

