Who deserves blame for the economic situation?

The prime minister does appear to be very serious to change … he is taking top-down approach here but I doubt he could do much when those on the middle which consist of his party colleagues and civil servants they tend to be obstacles and they never hide the facts that they show lack of commitment to PM’s 1Malaysia and Rakyat.

By waiphil (feel)

I happened to meet with some “ProMCA or BN friendly businessman” just before the Hari Raya, and they complained about political instability in Malaysia has caused a downfall in our economy and it is affecting the confidence of foreign investors to invest in Malaysia.

And they conveniently blamed Pakatan Rakyat for causing 308 Tsunami which it had contributed to their so called ‘political instability’ in our country which resulted in lack of foreign investment or the dropped of FDI.

But my opinions are, they might forget something here,

1. The economic downturn was started before and during Pak Lah’s reign, and that was before the political tsunami. Not a single country in the world have managed to escape especially during 2007 financial crisis triggered by US as it had impact the global market.

2. Other than putting blame on the crisis, it is time to take a look at our policy, whether our country is business friendly to attract foreign investment, just take a look at Indonesia, look at the steps they have taken to attract investors. .

3. Corruption elements, from bottom to the top especially in civil servant where you need to feed everybody to make sure they do their work. To tackle this, the current rules and regulations must be reviewed and eliminate the unnecessary rules or policies so you do not have to go through too many different departments or agencies.

4. People sometimes confuse process and bureaucracy. Process is good—it helps to get things done smoothly and efficiently; bureaucracy is bad—it’s process calcified, convoluted, politically corrupted, or just plain unnecessary. – taken from http://mikisaxon.wordpress.com/

Read more at: http://waiphil.blogspot.com/2010/09/who-deserves-blame-for-economic.html
