What A Shameful & Hypocritical UN Speech By The Prime Minister Of Malaysia!

How can the PM be so shameless to preach to the world about the good while practicing the bad in his own homeland? I hope President Obama and other world leaders will take his speech with a grain of salt.

By Richard Loh

The Prime Minister of Malaysia in his tweet is encouraging Malaysians to read his speech that he delivered at the UN General Assembly, and welcome their thoughts.

My thought is that it was such a shameful and hypocritical speech. His full text can be read here.

How can the PM be so shameless to preach to the world about the good while practicing the bad in his own homeland? I hope President Obama and other world leaders will take his speech with a grain of salt.

Let me differentiate what he preaches to the world and what he practices in his own country. I would like to remind the world leaders that Malaysia is quick to condemn other countries wrong doings but others were blocked from interfering with Malaysia internal problems even if they had signed or supported any of the international law agreements.

2.Let me reaffirm Malaysia’s unwavering and continuing support for the United Nations and the multilateral principles, based on international law, which it embodies. Let me also reiterate Malaysia’s commitment to doing our part in this collective endeavour.

In Malaysia the international law he spoke about were put into cold storage and he uses his own laws on humanity and democracy. He can arrest and lock up anyone under the Internal Security Act (ISA) without charges. The Press, Print & Publication Act (PPPA) had stifled freedom of speech to the extend that many were under investigation for seditions and a reporter arrested under the ISA simply for reporting what was said by others.

3.It is imperative that we have to achieve peace premised upon a covenant of the willing and not one enforced by way of hegemony through fear and coercion. Such peace can only be achieved if we are willing to constructively engage each other through dialogue. Such discussions would help in creating a deeper understanding as well as appreciation and respect of each other in our conviction to create a better future for all citizens of the world.

In Malaysia, racial polarisation and religious confrontation were at its worst since independent yet any discussions and constructive dialogue on racial and religious issues were illegal and condemned with their reasoning being that they are sensitive. The government itself is enforcing the way of hegemony through fear and coercion. Many opposition leaders are now under police investigations for talking about race and religious issues even though they were carried out in good faith.

4.As a trade organization, WTO remains relevant to today’s economic climate and Malaysia believes that the Doha Round must return to its original objective of ensuring free, fair and equitable trade.

Malaysia wanted the world to recognise free, fair and equitable trade but not willing to do so within its own country. The ridiculous pricing of its national car and the fall of FDI are just two examples.

Read more at: http://ousel.blogspot.com/2010/09/what-shameful-hypocritical-un-speech-by.html
