Ibrahim Ali says will wait before revealing Umno leaders’ secrets

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

Datuk Ibrahim Ali announced today that he will only reveal the secrets of three Umno leaders “when the time is right”.

The Perkasa president coyly said that he was waiting for the right opportunity to reveal the secrets of Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, Khairy Jamaluddin and Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

“I will dance according to the music. Wait for me to make my move. It is up to me whether I want to reveal anything or not,” Ibrahim told reporters today.

Nazri, who is Minister in the Prime Minister’s department had on Monday challenged Ibrahim to reveal whatever secrets the Perkasa chief may have against him, in response to the latter’s warning to three Umno leaders to stop criticising Perkasa.

Ibrahim had singled out the three Umno politicians over the weekend in his admonition to politicians to stop lashing out at the Malay rights group or risk having their “secrets” revealed.

Nazri had said that Ibrahim’s threats did not frighten him, but rather it had strengthened his resolve in opposing Perkasa’s brand of  “racism.”

“I want Ibrahim Ali to reveal whatever secrets he may have against me. In fact, I dare him to. He better start revealing [these] soon, because I will continue to attack Perkasa and I will continue to fight him,” Nazri told The Malaysian Insider.

The minister in the prime minister’s department has been vocal in condemning Perkasa for what he deemed an erosion of Barisan Nasional’s (BN) support from the non-Malay electorate.

Ibrahim said today that his decision to not reveal the “secrets” right now did not mean that he was a coward.

“I am a man who is not scared of anything… I want to take this step by step,” said Ibrahim.

Nazri, along with Khairy and Tengku Adnan have all been reported as having spoken out against the Malay rights group.


