UMNO and Population Engineering

By steadyaku

Since 1957 UMNO has effectively carried out the population engineering of our country to ensure its long-term survival by creating the myth of a two pronged “Ketuanan Melayu”. “Ketuanan Melayu” for the Malay masses who are lull into a feeling of being superior over the non-Malays because of their numbers and “Ketuanan Melayu” for the UMNO Malay political elites through the accumulation of massive material wealth for themselves and their cronies. And while UMNO has failed by almost any measure you chose to gauge them – good governance or morality – without question they have succeeded too well in the engineering of the population of this country of ours.

The duplicity of UMNO in proclaiming Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara while all the while undertaking a relentless program to whittle down the numbers of the non-Malays through very precise and focused initiatives is breath taking in its  effectiveness!
Consider this:
In 1957:
–   45% of the population was Chinese.
–   12% of the population was Indians.
In 2010
–   25% of the population is Chinese.
–   7% of the population is Indians.
Over 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship and possibly 60% of them had passed away due to old age.
Since 1957:
–   2 million Chinese have emigrated.
–   0.5 million Indians have also emigrated overseas.
–   3 million Indonesians migrated to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status.
Now the non-Malays are well aware of this tinkering and engineering of our population and it would do us Malays no good to say that it was UMNO doing and that we had no hand in what happened. As a Malay I was then comfortable that UMNO was the dominant partner in the Barisan Nasional.
It was comforting to know that Malays controlled four of the five major banks.
Education? Between 1968 to 2000:
–   48 Chinese Primary Schools closed down.
–   144 Indian Primary Schools closed down.
–   2637 Malay Primary Schools were built.
