If Tony Pua is grilled, what about Nur Jazlan?

By Lee Wee Tak

In Malaysia, possession of fire arms and bullets is a serious crime punishable by death. Howeve, instead of the person who obtained M-16 bullets and mailed them as threats, the intellectually superior recipient was the one hauled up by the police.


“They asked me to recap what I said, and I explained that I was referring to the discounts for luxury residential properties (for bumiputras) to be stopped and that these benefits be channelled to the poor instead,” he added.

If a person democratically elected to participate in policy formulation of the country can even be hauled up for posing a suggestion on this particular topic, then what about articulating and implementing a firm decision pertaining to the same topic?

UDA Chairman Nur Jazlan mentioned the following salient points (copied verbatim from the article) in The Business Times, Singapore edition.

(The full article is appended below and note subsequently the Bernama article which seems to omit a lot of stuff reported by the Singapore press vis-a-vis the PM and the BTN Deputy Director’s concurrent speeches)

IT CAN no longer subsidise its bumiputra agenda without considering returns on investment, said the head of a Malaysian government agency that is supposed to raise bumiputra real estate ownership in urban areas.

– hence UDA has departed from its original aim and who are responsible for this shift?

Read further below and the answer is

Previously a state mandated authority, UDA was listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in 1996 only to be privatised about 10 years later.

As it is no longer a state mandated authority, but a privatised agency owned by the Minister of Finance, the government cannot subsidise its bumiputra agenda by direct allocations regularly. Its tight fiscal position is another factor.

You tell me who shifted UDA’s emphasis from its original aim then.

So what’s the new ball game?

Now, the Urban Development Authority (UDA) will instead make profitability a greater consideration by reviewing bumiputra quotas and pitching its products to non-Malays.

Profit, profit, profit (and where does the profit is channel to, I wonder) plus…..

Read more here:  http://wangsamajuformalaysia.blogspot.com/2010/09/if-tony-pua-is-grilled-what-about-nur.html
