Kedah RM5 mil YB still awaiting MACC action

(Malaysiakini) – Two years have passed and Kulim (PKR) assemblyperson Lim Soo Nee is still waiting for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to act on a report that he lodged, alleging that he was offered a RM5 million to jump to the Barisan Nasional.

However, Lim said he will not ‘chase’ the MACC for action as it is their duty to contact him or act on their findings if their investigations are over.

“I have given them everything in detail and handed over all evidence to the officers in the Commission, so it is up to them to take action now,” he said.

He added that he had met several officers from the Commission, from the director to investigation officer, but until now he has yet to hear from them.

Lim declined to reveal the identity of the officers he was in contact with but claimed some had been transferred to other branches after he had lodged his report.

Malaysiakini has yet to get confirmation regarding the matter from the Commission.

Lim also verified as true a posting by Raja Petra Kamarudin his blog Malaysia Today, where he had revealed a set of investigation papers by MACC related to the report that the former had lodged in 2008.

More than cat out of bag

The papers titled ‘Initial Investigation Report’ (No. 11/2008) was reportedly issued by the Seberang Perai MACC branch, and signed by Senior Assistant Mahani Din on Dec 10, 2008.

The investigation’s primary target was purported to be former Kedah Chief Minister Mahazir Khalid and his ‘middle man’ Tan Yak Siew, according to the report.

On Sept 9, 2008, a meeting was held at the Hotel Sunway, Seberang Jaya, Perai, between Lim and Mahazir, the report said.

It added that Mahazir had allegedly confirmed that he would pay Lim RM5 million (for crossing over to BN) and if the latter asked for more, he would have to discuss the matter with Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Lim, who is currently a state exco in Kedah, was also told that if he joined the BN, he would be offered ‘several projects’, the report added.

It concluded with Mahani’s signature and a remark the MACC headquarters would ‘handle the case further’.

Lim, together with several other PKR assemblypersons – Tan Show Kang (Sidam), S Manikumar (Bukit Selambau) – and DAP’s Lee Guan Aik (Kota Darulaman), were earlier suspected of waiting to jump ship.

At the height of the controversy, the quartet had to fend off the speculation by pledging their allegiance to Pakatan Rakyat publicly in Kedah.

On Feb 20 last year, Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim had raised Lim’s issue in Parliament, while debating the King’s royal address.

In revealing the case of the alleged bribes,Anwar had said that Lim was one of those “who were lured and had been used as bait by the Commission to gather evidence against the agents.

“On April 11, 2008, I received a report that BN agents representing Mahazir had offered Lim RM4 million to defect to BN, and this sum was later raised to RM5 million,” he had said.

However, the BN government did not respond to the issue.

