The Cradle of Power Behind The Police Force

By Malaysian Police Watch

It is without doubt that the post of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the person who sits on that chair can be considered as the most powerful man in the country as he is vested with all the powers under almost every legislations or Enactments in the country. This includes the power to arrest and detention without trial under the preventive laws. Besides being charged with investigations and prosecution of criminal offenders, the IGP is also responsible for maintenance of law and order, and preserving the peace and security of the country.

This position makes him a very powerful person as all information with regard to any police investigations as well as any intelligence relating to politics, crimes, terrorism and even an individual private life are within his grasps. This is because all the core police work i.e. criminal investigations, narcotics and the Special Branch are under his control and disposal. But having been vested with the trust to uphold the sanctity of the law and Constitution of the country, the IGP is bound to act lawfully within the framework of what is legally right and to dissent or distance himself from committing what is morally wrong, even if directed by his political masters.

It is this potent and cogent power of the IGP that irks his own boss, the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussin who finds it impossible to have access to some of the sensitive information that he needs. Whilst he could sometimes obtain direct information from Police Chiefs by reflexing his Ministerial muscles or those who want to win his favours, he finds it hard to penetrate the Special Branch in obtaining other sensitive information. After having been unsuccessful to manipulate the untimely removal of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as the IGP six months ago, the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein had finally pre empted  any move to extend Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s  contract of service as the IGP for another one year term. Hishamuddin jumped the gun with a surprise announcement before the media on 1 Sep 2010 that Tan Sri Musa contract of service as IGP would not be extended and that his deputy, Tan Sri Ismail Omar would take over. Hishamuddin’s move is unprecedented as he had made the announcement even before consent by HRH Yang DiPertuan Agong was obtained by the Prime Minister on the appointment of a new IGP.

In other words Hishamuddin had side stepped and derogated the power and authority of both the Prime Minister and the King, thus creating the impression to the public that he is more powerful than the latter two. SMSes were also sent to a majority of retired police officers asking for feedback and reaction on Tan Sri Musa’s non renewal of his contract of service. The text was originally sent by Special Officer to the Home Minister, Harrison: “Salam Dato, need some feedback from u and maybe among former PDRM officer, n officer in service on transition of IGP n DIG, Minister want some response. TQ Sir. Harrison”.   But in the public’s mind, it is not the question of why Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s contract of service is not extended, but why the Minister is in such a haste to remove him as the IGP?

It is rather uncanny and cannot be a mere coincidence that on the day the Home Minister announced the appointment of Tan Sri Ismail Omar as the new IGP, a dinner aka ‘Majlis Buka Puasa Ramadhan’ was held the same night at Kelab Shah Alam, Selangor seemingly to herald the removal of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as the IGP and to inaugurate the success on the manipulation of the new IGP of their choice. The gathering was organized by the Special Officer to the Minister of Home Affairs, SAC Wan Najmuddin who also doubles the role of ‘Mc.Gyver’ to ‘fix’ things on behalf of the Home Minister with the underground world.  Those in attendance at the dinner, amongst others, were the new IGP and his Deputy Hussin Ismail, the CPO of Terengganu, Dato’ Shukri Dahlan, some retired senior police officers in the likes of Tan Sri Norian Mai (ex IGP), Dato’ Ghazali Fauzi, Kamaruddin Desa, Dell Akhbar, and Nawawi. But what is disturbing is that in the said dinner some notable presence of underground personalities was also felt. Prominent amongst them were Tan Sri Ta, Pai Kar Lek and few other kingpins.

At this dinner, discussions were held on the need to identify police officers who were seen as Tan Sri Musa’s men and to replace them with people whom they can trust to carry out their scheme in collaboration with the underground activities. Some of the key posts in the Police that were identified as critical for their leverage are the Director of CID, the State Police Chiefs, OCCIs and D7 officers up to Bukit Aman level. Once this is done these officers, through SAC Wan Najmuddin, are recommended to the Home Minister to be removed and replaced with those who can ‘play ball’ with their wicked and heinous scheme.

As a first step towards achieving this goal, Tan Sri Ta was given the role to consolidate, merge and unite all the underground organisations as ‘one entity’ so that they can be ‘controlled’ under a single leadership to avoid competition and infightings-a classic ‘1 Malaysia’ concept in action. These organisations are those that carry out illegal activities i.e. bookies, illegal lotteries, gaming machines, prostitution, drug trafficking, secret societies, ah longs and smugglers. It was reported that as a first instalment, RM50 million was already collected from the illegal betting syndicate of the recent football world cup and paid to the Home Minister, Hishamuddin Tun Hussin as an inducement not to extend the contract of service of Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

The ‘1 Malaysia’ syndicate is currently reported to be collecting about RM200 million from the underground organisations and clans as contributions for Hishamuddin’s political fund, particularly in preparation for the next UMNO general election. To make their scheme look more legitimate, they are setting up ‘welfare organisations’ in every states throughout the country to facilitate the channelling of these ill gotten money for the so called charitable activities. They are currently identifying a few Tan Sris to head and patronise these welfare organisations.

A second meeting of this ‘1 Malaysia’ clan was reportedly held in Cameron Highlands recently to strategise on the placements of police officers in the various key critical posts throughout the country. A serving senior police officer with the rank of SAC, identified as Dato Mohammad Ibrahim, who is the Assistant Director of Establishment of the Police Management Department responsible for transfer and promotion in the Force, was also present along with another police officer. Realising that the cradle of power behind the Police Force currently falls within this ‘1 Malaysia’ clan, he did not hesitate even a second to participate and become an accessory to this heinous scheme. Of course you cannot blame Dato’ Mohamad Ibrahim, as he too is ambitious to be promoted. Had he declined to be present at this meeting, he would obviously become the first collateral target for casualty.

Unlike his previous cabinet post of Education Minister, Hishamuddin has gotten wiser and more ‘matured’ since he assumed the post of Minister of Home Affairs. Besides the Police Force, the Prison Department and Rela also comes under his portfolio. Hishamuddin, despite having involved in politics a long time, did not realize until much later that exposure as the Home Minister that the Police Force sphere of might and authority is so wide and powerful especially in dealings with the underground world. He was quick to notice that the turnover of the black market economy of the underground illegal activities i.e. bookies, illegal gaming, ah longs, prostitution and drugs are so huge and lucrative that run to the tune of a few billion Ringgit annually. He sees this as a golden opportunity to exploit this black market economy for his political funding and campaign.  

Hishamuddin was once said to have quoted “If my cousin (Najib) can become the Prime Minister, I cannot see why it is impossible for me to be there”. No doubt Hishamuddin is one of the current three Vice Presidents of UMNO. But for him to realise his dreams of becoming President of UMNO and Prime Minister of Malaysia in a short time frame he must first overcome the biggest hurdle that is facing him i.e. Tan Sri Mahyuddin who is the Deputy President of UMNO cum Deputy Prime Minister. Having easily secured one of the UMNO Vice President post in the last election seems to strengthen Hishamuddin’s confidence of taking on Mahyuddin in the next UMNO presidential election. Coincidently both has their power base in the Southern  State of Johor. Hishamuddin knows this is a mammoth task for him and the only way of securing his victory is through money politics by buying out the delegates which has been the norm in UMNO politics. He needs at least fifty to eighty million Ringgit to bribe each of the more than two thousand delegates who attend the general assembly to vote for him. Now that the black market economy and the underground is directly under his command, he would not have any problem in raising this pool of political fund to realize his ambition.

Tan Sri Ismail the new IGP is perceived to be a ‘yes’ man to the Home Minister. Let’s hope that he will keep up to his promise to lead the Force in a firm, just and fair manner. He should not allow politician or outside forces-more so the underground- to manipulate the Force for their own hideous scheme. In other words don’t ‘lelong’ the PDRM. As Tan Sri Ismail Omar has earlier pledged, the Police Force must please society-not the secret societies.

