Desmond and Cindy: new crony kings?

The new king crony in Putrajaya, according to a new blog, is Desmond Lim of property developers Malton Bhd and the man behind the Pavilion luxury shopping centre in Bukit Bintang, KL.

Desmond Lim has been linked in the press recently with the proposed redevelopment of RMAF Sg Besi, the city’s old international airport and currently an air force base. Raja Petra Kamarudin recently linked Desmond Lim, his wife Cindy, and Tan Kay Hock, in rivalry for the ears of the prime minister over several big government projects.

RPK said Desmond and Cindy were close to Najib Tun Razak’s wife Rosmah, and had been behind a railway purchase of electric train sets. Tan Kay Hock was linked to China Harbour Engineering, from whom he is alleged to have tried to squeeze a RM200 million commission, and the Gemas-JB double-tracking rail project which RPK said had been awarded to China Road Engineering.


