An Appeal Letter for Malaysians4Change

Not everyone can migrate. I choose to stay back to try and help those who cannot leave. And also those who are still in deep slumber thinking that the Government will take care of them.

By pywong

Dear Friends,

I have been an observer of the political scene in Malaysia for several decades. The trends are worrying. If this continues unchecked, we could end up like Myanmar or worse, Zimbabwe! I have tried to put down these observations in the form of a video. Admittedly it is quite amateurish but the main points are reasonably accurate.

Basically, it is a wake-up call to us to pay attention to how rapidly we are deteriorating as a nation and an urgent call for us to effect change now. Every Malaysian has a role to play to make a difference to our country. All it takes is to get 10 caring Malaysians to commit to vote for Pakatan Rakyat in the next general elections. ‘It is all up to US, up to you and I to make that change possible’ (taken from here).

We cannot rely on the MSM and now with all that is happening, we have to come to the realization that the new media is limited despite its dynamic reach and power.

“Foot soldiers matter – that’s you and I. We have to do something if we want a better Malaysia for our descendants. Not everyone can migrate” (taken from here). I choose to stay back to try and help those who cannot leave. And also those who are still in deep slumber thinking that the Government will take care of them. One only need to study the cases of Myanmar, Uganda and Zimbabwe to understand that corrupt governments are equally capable of oppressing their own people if it suits their purposes.

“Besides, migrating is not the answer. The answer lies in shaping our nation directly” (from here). Watch any of the following videos  and let me know what you think.  Please also forward it to as many contacts as possible to pass the message. Our goal is 20 million views.




There are several options that are available in the action plan. I hope you will adopt one or more of them. Time is really running out. We have to race to the finish now. Let’s do it – together – for Malaysia. Oh yes, please take part in the poll at the start of the page.


Thank you for your time.



Facebook: Malaysians4Change

Save Malaysia for Our Children!

(I cannot bear to face my children if they ask me in future: Why didn’t you do something when you had the chance?)
