Perkasa believes Cina tak ada telur

By Sharifuddin A. Latiff

Commentators in the Perkasa blog are the movement’s grassroots.

Their comments reflect the sentiments of the party and its ideology.

They also reveal the racism of Perkasa supporters, for instance, in lumping together Jews, Chinese, Indians and kafir as a collective.

Namewee lancar album, 50 orang diketuai Perkasa bakar poster (Sept 29 in the Perkasa website)

[All comments excerpted are sampled from the Perkasa discussion thread of the posting linked above, and translated by us.]

Besides wanting to “memartabatkan bangsa Melayu” (the Perkasa raison d’etre), one commentator stated his hope to drive the “kaum pendatang” out of the country.

This Perkasa supporter sees ridding Malaysia of pendatang as “a continuation of the struggle of his datuk nenek before him”.

The Malay ultras view the Chinese as a “cowardly race” (bangsa pengecut) who are always “running away/wandering from place to place when their ‘food colony’ is attacked”.

Yet another commentator ‘Awang’ hints at an insidious agenda, saying “Now is the time for us to surreptitiously instill and ignite the nationalistic spirit amongst the civil servants, army, police and our uniformed personnel (who are all Malay/Muslim).”

The declaration by Awang is entirely alarming!! and sent a chill down our spine to read it.

He further gives a descriptive example of Chinese cowardice, i.e. during WWII when the smaller Japan (negara sekangkang kera) easily conquered the huge China (yang sebesar bapak gajah itu).

The same commentator says that the Chinese “memang takda telur” and are “the type to avoid confrontation”.

Another racial stereotype goes: “For them [the Chinese] money is god and this is why “dah mati pun bakar-bakar duit lagi”.

Incitement like how “Chinese power” steps on the head of the Malays (memijak kepala kita) is regularly invoked. Needless to say, May 13 is dragged in as a reminder.

These sort of comments are extremist. It’s much rarer to find ‘moderate’ comments in the Perkasa website than to come across a whole slew of comments in the belligerent tone as cited above.

Aggressors vs appeasers

While the comments are dangerous, the aggression that Perkasa is showing is even more so.

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