RPK’s campaign against MACC

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) already frayed image and the government’s commitment to fight graft has been taking a battering with the release by maverick blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin of what appears to be confidential documents related to various high-profile investigations.

Raja Petra has in recent weeks started publishing the documents on his popular Malaysia Today website detailing complaints and evidence of wrongdoing reported to the MACC for which no prosecutions have arisen.

The controversial blogger has pledged to expose “hundreds” of investigations because he claimed the MACC had failed to act against high-profile personalities.

“I gave the MACC one week to take action on what Malaysia Today revealed. It appears, however, that the MACC is sidestepping the issue like they did on the PI P. Balasubramaniam matter where they were supposed to take his statement in London and then called it off.

“Well, I did warn them, so here goes! Starting today, Malaysia Today is going to reveal hundreds of pages of MACC’s investigations into corruption perpetuated by VIPs, which were all eventually swept under the carpet,” he wrote on his blog last Monday.

Malaysia Today has since published what it claims are copies of investigation reports against former Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) chief Datuk Seri Zulkifly Mat Noor, BTN director-general Datuk Shagul Hamid Abdullah, and former Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Khir Toyo.

The site also published a preliminary investigation report based on a report by Kulim assemblyman Lim Soo Nee that he was offered a bribe to defect to Barisan Nasional (BN).

However all the cases had apparently been marked “NFA” which means no further action will be taken.

MACC is still struggling in a losing battle to regain public confidence, and the release of these documents will not help its image.

In his campaign, RPK has accused the MACC of being “a component member of the Barisan Nasional” by suggesting that the government agency did not take action against those with ties to the ruling coalition.

RPK is expected to release more documents in the coming weeks.

The MACC has yet to respond to RPK’s campaign.

