Najib kickstarts bid to reverse brain drain

By The Malaysian Insider
BRUSSELS, Oct 4 — Malaysia’s Talent Corporation will start its operations in January, marking the start of a concerted effort to woo home Malaysian professionals abroad, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said.

He said the corporation would engage these professionals abroad in a comprehensive manner, seeking them out and addressing their concerns about the prospects of returning to Malaysia.

“Previously, we waited for them to get back to us but this time we will seek them out.

“We will find out what it takes for them to consider going back home and at the same time create more business opportunities and pay them wages that are more aligned with global wages,” he told Malaysian journalists here last night.

Earlier, Najib, who arrived in the Belgian capital late last night to attend the Eighth Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) Summit, hosted an Aidilfitri dinner for Malaysians in Belgium and Luxembourg.

The prime minister said that so far, the numerous initiatives implemented by the government had been successful in injecting optimism among Malaysians abroad who now saw the opportunities for them to return and contribute to the country’s development.

“They see a wider opportunity for them to play a role. I believe that if we can implement our programmes in the near future, their level of optimism will increase because they already like our new plans and strategies,” he said.

He said effective and swift execution of programmes would create a momentum for Malaysians abroad to consider returning home.

“I think the icing on the cake will be how fast we can implement the various projects and business opportunities that have been identified; only then will we be able to attract the Malaysian diaspora to consider going back,” he said.

In his speech, Najib told some 250 Malaysians at the event that Malaysia was going through an exciting time.


