Activist charged for being ‘rude’ more than TWO YEARS after arrest

To charge someone in this manner, under such circumstances, and after TWO FRIKKIN’ YEARS is just too much, and it reeks of bad faith.

By Nathaniel Tan 

I wanted to highlight this unbelievably ridiculous case.

I’ve bolded the parts of the petition below which explain how this could have happened. Can you imagine, someone arrested for making a police report, being ‘rude’, raising one’s voice, questioning cops and refusing to calm down.

These are crimes? 😐 Crimes we are spending tax payer money to prosecute. I think I deserve to be charged next then, I sure as hell am not calming down over this.

To charge someone in this manner, under such circumstances, and after TWO FRIKKIN’ YEARS is just too much, and it reeks of bad faith.

This relentless harassment of activists by cops has to stop, and it should stop with Lau Shu Shi.

The Attorney General had the presence of mind to not press charges against the group of people arrested at the last PJ vigil, but I think we’ll all know what conclusions to draw should the they decide to continue prosecuting Lau. Trial was set for the coming weeks.

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