Attaining developed nation status will add value to Bahasa

By Ivan Loh, The Star

IPOH: The Malay language will gain added value if Malaysia achieves the status of a developed country by 2020.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the value of a country’s language was closely related to the economic progress of a nation.

“A country’s economic growth will also make its language grow,” Muhyiddin said during the launch of the National Language Month 2010 at Stadium Indera Mulia here yesterday.

“Hundreds of people from Western countries are learning Mandarin in China because the country has become a global economic centre,” he said.

“People are also learning Japanese, French, and German because their countries are developed,” he added.

He said the Malay language needs to be used extensively in all sectors, be it private or public.

Muhyiddin also urged all corporate leaders not to forsake the Malay language.

“The use of the language in official documents, signages and forms must be given more emphasis.

“This is to ensure that our national language remains relevant in the business and commercial world,” he added.

Muhyiddin also noted that a programme to improve the usage of the language by Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka has been well received.

During the event, Muhyiddin presented the National Language Intellectual Award to Prof Datuk Dr Asmah Omar in recognition of her commitment in upholding the national language.

Dr Asmah has been one of the pillars behind the development of the language and has produced an encyclopedia, working papers, books and articles on the national language.

A special monthly national language award to recognise intellectuals who have contributed to the growth of the Malay language in Malaysia was presented to Prof Dr Ding Choo Ming of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Among his contributions was the setting up a portal,, the first ever Malay Studies database.
