Mimosa’s response to Better MY’s

The state government is not a school where you learn how to do your job, and the rakyat is prepared to suffer in silence while waiting for your graduation. PR is elected to run a government and not to learn how to run a government! 

Mimosa’s response to Better MY’s comment on – “Can there be Reform in a Khalid Led Umno Run Selangor Government”

“Many areas are not in the state jurisdiction”
True, but only half true. You do not need to involve the MACC to correct administrative procedures, introduce new systems in the state government and remove red-tape that breed corruption; you don’t need to go to the court to transfer errant state and local council officers or put them in cold storage; and you do not need to get consent from the federal government for all kinds of development projects in the state.
“Do we want to rock the boat completely now when PR don’t have control over the Federal machinery and governance”
I am appalled by Better My’s suggestion that Khalid could only change his staff when PR takes over Putrajaya! Come on, who is he kidding? Changing a few key persons in the state government and GLCs and sacking some errant officers won’t rock the boat. If Khalid is so fearful of offending his officers and choose to preserve the status quo of the BN state government, then how can the rakyat be convinced that PR is for reform when the PR controlled Selangor government is no different from the BN government? 
“Where is the money” for poverty eradication program?
Looking at the lavish Hari Raya open house and Buka Puasa dinners thrown by the sate government, state agencies, GLCs, all the local governments, district offices and the excos, that lasted for more than 2 months, it is hard for the poor to believe that the state has no money. I was told the state government paid an event company RM400,000/ for organizing a concert that was attended by less than 300 people. I supposed Khalid’s officers might have told him that it was how things were being done by the previous government, but I call it a waste of public funds.
How much money is spent on these kinds of dinners and functions in a year? RM20 M or more? Can this money be better utilized for low cost flats, like giving them a decent coat of paint, fixing the corridor lights and repairing the damaged handrails of staircases?
Please don’t tell us the state government has no money for rural and urban poverty eradication programs. Tell us if the state government has ever set up a taskforce to seriously work out such programs. Has the Poverty Eradication Committee set up by Party Keadilan and headed by Syed Husin Ali ever been invited to give ideas and feedback to the state government on the matter? I believe not, as the typical Umno government attitude is: let the government officers run the government.
In the nutshell, what Better My says is this:
We have only 2½ years and there are so many limitations which stop us from doing the right things. So, until we controls putrajaya when everything is set right, you should continue to criticize BN, not us.
My dear Better My, the state government is not a school where you learn how to do your job, and the rakyat is prepared to suffer in silence while waiting for your graduation. PR is elected to run a government and not to learn how to run a government!

My advice to Khalid: follow the advice of your Ketua Umum who knows how to govern, and enlist those party leaders with experience in the government to form a better and more effective team. If you cannot do the job with all the present constraints, then let someone who can do the job be the MB.

And one final piece of advice to Khalid: criticizing BN cannot take the place of governing the state. If you cannot deliver, you are out, just like BN.
