Mr Prime Minister, Are You In The Somniloquy Mode?

Umno has run out of destructive tactics to bring down PR government and has to turn to yet another religious issue by condemning the ringgit for being haram.

By Richard Loh

The Prime Minister is offering Malaysia as an example to the western world for its Islamic credential and racial harmony. I guess President Obama was sucked in by the PM somniloquy.

While in Brussels the PM talked about his Malaysia’s Talent Corporation to woo home Malaysian professionals abroad. Yet another Corporation? that means more of your money is going down the drain, my guesstimation is that at least 20 to 30 million ringgit will be needed to operate this corporation. Note that the PM’s habit is to shout out loud overseas and not at home.

At his own home country, the shits are piling up everyday be it religious, racial or political issues that are so serious and damaging yet the PM is closing both his eyes and ears to the time bomb that is about to explode.

The PM can only talk and mind you he is such a good talker which I can say that one can only do it while in a somniloquy mode.

Wiki explain: Somniloquy or sleep-talking is a parasomnia that refers to talking aloud in one’s sleep. It can be quite loud, ranging from simple sounds to long speeches, and can occur many times during sleep. Listeners may or may not be able to understand what the person is saying.

Now let us take a look at the latest religious issue, created by umno, yes, umno loves and likes to create confusion among their own believers in order to disrupt, create chaos and damages toward the effective and good performances by the Pakatan Rakyat government, by being a sore loser.

I had written an analogy of “The life story of a 100 ringgit note” which you can read it here.

Umno has run out of destructive tactics to bring down PR government and has to turn to yet another religious issue by condemning the ringgit for being haram.

Every Malaysians including any fools know that the ringgit are circulated every where, and the government treasury received them through many sources, the halal and the haram way. They are all mixed and not isolated nor used them separately for muslim or non muslim. The ringgit is just an innocent part of the mechanic system to allow the convenience flow and drives the country’s economy and for the convenience among the rakyat and businesses.

Why the need to turn the ringgit into a religious/political issue? Now let me give you an analogy of what will become of this country should the somniloquy PM agrees with his DPM’s declaration that Muslims do not want to be associated with money from “a forbidden source”.

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