UMNO aspires to be another Junta
By John Doe
A young girl articulates her concerns for Burma. Her country. The land where she was born in. “Tanah tumpahnya Darahku” (The land where her blood spill) The Land where she had to run away from. The Land which was taken over by a greedy Dictator Government. Listen to every word she says. Less than 5% of any Malaysian is able to speak like her. Had she been able to only speak Burmese, no one would have understood her at this meeting.
Now replace each time she mentions Burma, Military, or Junta with UMNO. This is such a cold reminder of Malaysia’s future.
Ma Waihnin Pwint Thon is young, and yet she is able to tell the world what her country is facing. Her people dying, their women raped, tortured, and their villages razed. Soon, UMNO will be able to exercise this on Malaysia. With most of the intellectuals gone, another Khmer Rouge is brewing. Watch this report yourself, to see how close-to-the-bone, and chilling it sounds.
Never ever forget that Malaysia and Burma are running joint-military intel-meetings. (Intel or Stupidity is another discussion)
Never ever forget that the Malaysian Government is selling Burmese Refugees to Thai Human Traffickers
To read Report, click HERE
Watch THIS VIDEO by clicking HERE.
Just like Burma, Malaysia needs a new government !!
And she needs it now, more than ever !!!