We will be in Galas, says Mafrel

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysians For Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) will act as an independent watchdog for the Galas by-election regardless of whether the Election Commission (EC) appoints it to do so.

The EC today announced that nominations will take place on Oct 26 and election day on Nov 4.

However, the EC deputy chairman, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, said that no independent observers have been appointed as yet.

He added that the presence of observers is unnecessary as the polling agents are capable of playing that role.

“To be fair to Mafrel, it has finally submitted reports of past by-elections which we are reviewing,” he said. “We will also be meeting Mafrel at a later date but for now, we haven’t elected any observers.”

Mafrel’s deputy chairman, Shahrudin Othman, told FMT that that Mafrel will submit its application to the EC tomorrow but would definitely be present in Galas.

“Wan Ahmad is not aware of international practices,” he said. “Wherever there is an election there must be independent observers to look after the ordinary voters’ rights. And Mafrel doesn’t need the permission of any quarter to monitor the process.”

“During elections, political parties are only interested in their candidates and supporters. It is civil society organisations like Mafrel that ensure that voters get a fair chance to vote, and that they receive the right information and are free to elect their leader without intimidation, coercion or bribery.”

‘EC had ignored all evidence’

According to Shahrudin, the EC secretariat had invited Mafrel for a discussion three months ago. During the talks, Mafrel explained why it had not submitted reports on the past by-elections as well as the scope of its duties.

“As far as the secretariat is concerned – and I’m talking about the civil servants, not the EC – they are very comfortable working with Mafrel,” Shahrudin said. “Wan Ahmad, however, may not be as comfortable judging by his past statements about us.”

Shahrudin attributed the EC’s unhappiness with Mafrel to the watchdog’s revelations of misdeeds by various parties during past elections. He also said the EC had ignored all the evidence, police reports and recommendations forwarded by Mafrel.


