Zaid to withdraw if Nurul runs for deputy

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today

FMT ALERT PETALING JAYA: Zaid Ibrahim is prepared to withdraw from the deputy presidency race if Nurul Izzah Anwar decides to throw her hat into the ring for the same post.

Nurul is currently vying for the post of vice president and to date has made no indication of her interest in running for number two.

Zaid said he was prepared to sacrifice his ambition and throw his support behind Nurul if she joined the fray.

“If my withdrawal will strengthen Nurul’s fight and serve her best interest then that is what I will do,” he told reporters at his residence here.

Calling Nurul “a breath of fresh air”, Zaid added that her dynamism would bring a lot of good to PKR.

However, the former law minister did not rule out the possibility of returning to the race if it was deemed to be in Nurul’s interest.

“I may contest for a higher position if that would mean boosting her chances of winning,” he said.


