Zaid: Don’t be too hasty to judge me

(Free Malaysia Today) – PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim today defended his campaign style for the forthcoming party polls, stating that he offered leadership based on sound policies and principles.

“My campaign strategy is simple: I have and will continue to truthfully explain to PKR members what I think are the real challenges we are facing and how we need to overcome them so that we can present to the people of Malaysia a political future worthy of their support,” he said in his latest blog entry.

He also rejected claims made by his detractors and the media that his campaign was uninspiring and that he had been a loose cannon who has alienated certain party leaders.

He was particularly stung by criticisms levelled against him by a senior writer in her Oct 8 commentary in The Star.

“Many journalists may not be familiar with politicians who march to the different beat. Don’t be too hasty to judge me or to belittle my effort,” he said.

“Any political pundit worth his or her salt ought to be able to see the larger picture, as I have offered myself to provide leadership based on sound policies and principles.

“There can be no formidable Pakatan Rakyat if PKR does not move on from being a party consistently dealing with internal issues,” he added.

Debate on issues, not on me

He stressed that the coming party election is a landmark occasion as it offers a platform for the party to deliver on the promises made at the last general election.

He also rejected claims made in The Star commentary that he has been “making so many boo-boos that Azmin can ‘sit pretty’ and claim his trophy effortlessly”.

He said that contrary to accusations that he had been making controversial statements, he had actually shared in several interviews and made suggestions on PKR’s future leadership, but “many of the enthusiastic responses made in mainstream and alternative media have not focused on them”.

He also pointed out a press conference held by 20 PKR MPs who expressed their support for vice-president Azmin Ali and at the same time labelled him (Zaid) a as being untested.

“They also questioned my loyalty and contributions to Pakatan Rakyat, the allegations that I am a ‘Trojan Horse’ and frontman for businessmen and Umno.

“All these only prove my point; when is PKR going to evolve into a party that is forward thinking and able to offer sound policies to the rakyat?

“Is this the kind of leadership we have to offer our political partners in Pakatan? I would like to see them debate on issues, on policies and principles, not my loyalty and so-called inexperience as those are for the members to decide,” he added.

He also defended his interview with Mingguan Malaysia – a move which has been a major bone of contention among the party leaders as PKR has a policy of boycotting the pro-Umno Malay daily.

“To me, it does not make a difference whether Mingguan Malaysia interviewed me or not. Let us consider this: would I be embraced with kindness and have all my ‘sins’ forgiven by these leaders had I joined the boycott of the newspaper? The answer is no,” he said.

He said that the readers of Utusan are members of the Malaysian public and that PKR should make itself available to all media outlets in the interest of the rakyat.


