Perkasa stung by speech on primitive men

By G Vinod, Free Malaysia Today

Perkasa today demanded an apology from MCA youth chief Wee Ka Siong for his reference to “primitive men” masquerading as national heroes.

Wee, who is the MP for Ayer Hitam, stood to lose crucial Malay votes if he was referring to Perkasa or Malay rulers, Perkasa youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah said.

Wee made the remark in his address to the MCA Youth annual general assembly last Saturday. He did not specify whom he was referring to.

“They … claim themselves to be national heroes,” Wee said.  “In fact, what they are doing are for their own personal again, and all done at the expense of the country’s unity, development and future.

“MCA Youth wants to tell the primitive men this:  ‘You do not fit in the modern times, and it is better that you go back to the ancient times.’”

Arman told reporters that Wee had put his political career at stake.

He also poured scorn on MCA Youth, referring to the poor attendance at Saturday’s meeting.

“Until he can get the Chinese support, he should stop talking tough,” he said.


