‘Pondan’ undeserve the helm of nation leadership

Another Brick in the Wall

It all started out many months back out of concern by a group of pro-BN blogger to find out about the new amendment to the Internal Security Act (ISA). Or was it a year back?

With the Government’s public relation being weak in handling the political propaganda generated from the other side, this group of bloggers felt that the new amendment would be fodder for the other side to get political mileage.

The problem was BN members of Parliament, particularly the Backbenchers do not seem to debate effectively in Parliament and seldom being seen swarmed by opposition MPs in the jungle-like atmosphere in Parliament.

BN politicians are not effective in giving out views for media to publish as a report. They keep repeating same old arguments and cliches without much new input and creativity.

Despite the different attitude of us bloggers on the ISA, whether liberal or conservative inclined, we felt we need to give the Government a hand and use the opportunity to constructively contribute.

Since our issues is more political and political communication in nature, the best person to talk to will have to be the ‘political master’ and guardian of the ISA.

‘Political master’ phrase means the person is not a Government servant. Only one person that fit the description and before it was mimicked as Menteri Amaran Dalam Negeri, it is the Menteri Dalam Negeri or Minister of Home Affairs.

Having agreed that we meet up with Dato Hishamuddin Hussein Onn, one of us with access got in touch with him.

Initially he agreed and an appointment was set. Then it was cancelled, another time will be set. To meet with Ministers, it will have to be at his convenience. Their schedule is understandably packed.

Another time was given and at a different place. When it is almost near the scheduled time, again it was cancelled and another time promised.

There was some hot news and it was thought he was held up by the event. Another time and place to be given.

This set and change pattern was going for a while. Other than ISA, Hishamuddin was developing a strange trend then.

Unbecoming of a Minister of Home Affairs, who is suppose to be quiet but decisive and effective in his role, Hishamuddin was becoming media crazy. He wants to be reported in the media regularly and getting political mileage could be the motivation.

Being placed second to Dato Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in the UMNO Vice President race was not enough, he could only sense that he felt his rightful position is in first place.

There is a widely held belief that Tan Sri Muhyudin does not aspire to be Prime Minister and is contented with his role as Deputy to Dato Seri Najib by virtue of being seven years older than Najib. Hishamuddin want to be positioned as first Vice President so it justify him to be the next PM after Najib.

Having aspiration is fine and working towards it is also fine. What is not fine is when one is manouvring but bad mouthing others and putting words into others mouth that someone else is planning to topple Muhyiddin is not fine. Furthermore, vice Presidents are supposed to set an example to focus on strengthening the party.

Sources within Zahid Hamidi’s circle are sore with this ‘baling batu sorok tangan’ game of Hishamuddin. Political observers with inside track of happening behind the scene confirmed this.

As usual I’ll call a spade a spade. Zahid is another story of incompetence and questionable integrity but Hishamuddin’s cunningness is unbecoming of a man coming from bangsawan family.

He maybe stealth in his political game but not as a Minister. Instead of keeping a low profile but effective, he was making warning after warning but nothing is seen to be done by his Ministry. Racist and seditious remarks that contributed to rising interracial tension are being left without any action.

Hishamuddin indecisiveness and inaction encouraged these trouble makers to push the envelope further. Constitutionally taboo subject are being questioned. Institutions like judiciary, police, and royal are being slandered and insulted upon.

Thus the description Menteri Amaran Dalam Negeri caught the imagination of blogger Husin Lempoyang.

Hishamuddin issues is not limited to those mentioned. Lately, he was put under fire by Tan Sri Musa Hasan for interference and suddenly my old friend, Raja Petra Kamaruddin is a big fan of Hishamuddin and giving “support” to him.

Do beware. Pete is only hitting Musa on behalf of certain organised crime group and vengeful “corrupted” former Deputy IGP denied the IGP post. Corrupted is described in quote unquote because Ramli Yusof and accomplice lawyer Rosli Dahalan got away in court.

Pete is also doing some posturing into a new political identity. This new posture could send shivers to Anwar.

Why did Hishamudin not act against Namewee? His inaction and warning only made the boy a bigger name? Yet TNB and SKMM could act against Hasan Skodeng. That maybe be about TNB and SKMM but the point here is offenses done by Malays are seen to be swiftly addressed to but non Malays getting away with “murder”. Dato Patmanathan?


