Ibrahim: National unity requires Malay unity first

(TMI) Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said national unity could not be achieved as long as the Malays and other Bumiputeras were not united.

“The Bumiputeras make up 65 per cent of the population. If this majority group of people quarrel among themselves, how can there be national unity?” he said at a forum titled ‘Malay Unity In Safeguarding the Community’s Future’ organised by Universiti Teknologi Mara, here, today.

Ibrahim said Malay unity was not only vital for the community’s survival but was also a religious obligation, that was, strengthening ties among Muslims.

He said disunity among the Malays could be resolved if PAS and Umno became friends again “but unfortunately, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat prefers to befriend DAP and PKR”.

Read more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/ibrahim-national-unity-requires-malay-unity-first/
